Chapter 31

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Lucky and the rest of them came back to the table, he sat right next to me, and Travis sat on the other side of me. There are like 12 seats per table, and we only took up half the table. No one but us sat here, and I'm surprised no one brought up our past yet. Nothing about Ellen, or Ariana, or anything that would seem out of the ordinary for normal people to do. The moment someone mentions something like that, I'd have to act quick to find some sort of excuse to make it so Lucky isn't really that suspicious.

I think I should tell him about my flashback that I had, but I might just wait till later. Everyone is here, they do know that I lost my memory, but it's weird talking about it to them. The only two people I'd really tell right now are Lucky and Travis.

"What's wrong AC? Why aren't you eating?" Lucky asked.

"Oh, just staring off into space. I'm going to eat now." I replied.

"Staring off into space?"

"That's kind of hard to explain. Like not paying attention to reality."

"So like dreaming?"

"In a way, yes."

"I've done that before. Okay, well go eat now, unless you want me to get you food. Do you want any?"

"No thanks, I have to eat this anyways, it would be a waste of food, and I know I won't eat it later."

"Okay, well if you change your mind, just let me know."

"Alright, will do."

"So, how are your guys' first days?" Travis asked.

"Pretty good." I said.

"Interesting." Lucky responded.

"That's good. At least it wasn't bad or anything for your first day." Travis replied.

"Not one of our teachers hated us, I think today would be okay." I said.

"Then today should be running pretty smoothly."


We finished eating, let the period end, and went through our classes. It was the same thing most of the time. We get greeted with a welcome back, and then we go through with the rest of class. Lucky didn't seem like he was struggling with class, so I think he should be fine. I'll only be able to find out once I've asked him.

We are now at the end of the day, only a minute left before school ends. This first day went surprisingly quick, and we are also almost at the end of the school year aswell.

3... 2... 1... and the bell rang and school is done. I told Lucky to follow me and I grabbed his hand to make sure he doesn't get lost because I never told him on how or where to get out of school. My dad usually picks us up before at the pick up area and the closest way out of the school is a side entrance/exit there. I should have told him about that before hand, but we are in the same class and we shouldn't be getting separated from each other.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you about how we're leaving, we have to get out quickly before it gets more crowded." I said while quickly moving.

"It's fine." Lucky replied.

"You didn't need anything in your locker or anything right?"

"Yeah, I don't need anything."

"Okay, because we are now out, and this is the side exit that is closer to the pick up area."

"Okay, we might want to go over this again tomorrow because there was a lot of things going on and I couldn't comprehend where we were going."

"Yeah, I'll show you how to get from there to here tomorrow. Just remind me incase I forget."

"Alright cool."

"There's my dad. Let's go."

We walked to my dad's car, and got in the back seat.

"Hey kids! How was school today?" He asked.

"Hi Papa, it was pretty good today."

"Hello Tito Arnold. School was great today."

"That's great! Let's go pick up your brother Anak, then we could all go for some ice cream."

"Sweet!" I said.

"Cool!" Lucky replied.

I just remembered that I grabbed Lucky's hand earlier, and to me that didn't seem like anything, and I'm pretty sure to him that didn't seem like anything, but the people that we passed by in the halls, I can't remember if anyone saw us, but that would be pretty embarrassing if someone caught us on camera or something. I'm pretty sure Travis and Dhao might be the only ones that know we were dating and maybe Kyla. I'm not sure if anyone else knew or if word had really gotten out. I just need to make sure Lucky doesn't hear any of it, and if he does, hopefully he doesn't believe it yet. I want to be the one to tell him or I want his parents to tell him that we were actually dating at a reasonable time. He must recover first, and if he finds out. His time to full recovery will be slower than originally anticipated and he could get stressed out. Better not say anything.

Unknown POV

"Looks like they are back at school." A person said.

"Yeah, no kidding. We must confirm of it first though and dig into what their classes are before we make a move on them." Another person replied.

"Well, tomorrow we start recon and collecting data. Find out when will the best time to make our move, and get the job done."

"Alright, looks like things will now get started."

End of chapter, sorry it took longer to update this than usual. The next update might be delayed a little bit longer than expected so it might not be out Tuesday. Well, looks like these men are going to be preparing, it won't be long before something starts and it will be getting more intense, stay tuned for the next chapter!

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