Chapter 12

27 1 0

April 2015


"AC! We're here!" Lucky shook me gently from my nap and I got up.

Omg, Omg, Omg, I can't believe it. We're going to meet Ariana Grande!!!!! We met Ellen DeGeneres, and I still can't believe we met her, and she invited us on her show. Out of all the kids out there, us. Us! The Lucky Aces. I'm very thankful to the Lord for allowing us this opportunity, and Ellen also gave us backstage tickets to see our favorite performer!!!

I still don't know out of all the excitement of meeting her, I managed to fall asleep on the car ride. This is such a big day. We also would be able to watch the concert later on too, and I haven't been to any concerts. Neither has Lucky.

I took my seatbelt off, and followed Lucky where the staff were taking us. There was also a bunch of people following us with video cam recorders which are like those big ones that news stations use, and I think one of the news stations are here and which means were also going to be on the news! Also some of them had Ellen's logo on the camera. She asked us to come back again after the concert sometime, and they are going to record what goes on in here, and probably going to show it when we get back on the show.

"You excited?" I asked Lucky.

"Yes! I'm can't believe what we are about to do!" Lucky screamed in excitement.

"I know!! I can't comprehend what is going on in my brain!"

We walked a couple more feet and there she was. Ariana Grande.


Present Day


"Anak!" My mom shook me up.

"Yes mom?" I asked, and rubbed my eyes.

"Are you okay? You kept mumbling a lot and yelled in your sleep."

"I'm okay. Just a dream."

"Okay, were going to be landing soon."

"Alright mom."

Was it a dream? It all seemed so real. I was about to meet her with Lucky. Ariana Grande. I've done that, but don't remember. Unless... was that a memory? Unless it was a dream that could be close to what meeting her actually was. I have no clue though to support if it was a dream or not. There are no videos online of those exact moments. Exactly before everything started recording.

The plane was about to touch down at Los Angeles, the beautiful scenery from the windows. Though I'm in the middle, I could see from the passenger windows that others left open. I've been here before. I know I have. It's where we landed for the Ellen Show, vacations, and other things we've done.

I went into deep thought of my supposing dream earlier as the plane taxied to the gate.  Are there anymore dreams that I'd be able to get that are similar to real life events? Is there anyway I can recover my lost memories?

The plane attached to the gate, and we got off last this time. Less of a traffic jam, and this seat is actually comfortable. Though I'll be back to Economy class next flight, I won't mind it really because it isn't as long of a flight as this one.

I got back onto the wheelchair, grabbed my backpack, and we went off the plane, and toward the baggage claim. This is probably going to take another half and hour to hour long process, because we have to get our luggage, go through Customs, then we check in again, go through security, then we can go to our gate. I'd like to come back to LA again with Lucky though. It's like our second home away from home. Our first is the Philippines. Even though that I may not remember a single memory from here apart from my dream, this place feels special. Not just because it's also an abbreviation of our names like Lucky Aces, but because of the amount of things we have done here.

There's also so many places I want to explore. Paris, Rome, London, Seoul, Sydney, New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, Berlin, and more. There are so many cool places to visit all over the world, and I want to seem them all. With both my family and Lucky's family. Hopefully there's a way we can have that happen. Just not now maybe. It have to be in the long future.

45 Minutes Later

After almost an hour of going through security, we were able to get to the gate. There are a lot of people here, and it makes it really long to get through these lines. My mom went to go get food, probably going to get McDonald's. I went on my phone, and played games while I waited for her to come back.

She came back after like 10 minutes. It is almost lunch time, so basically I had a brunch, since I didn't really eat today. After I finished my nuggets and fries, the gate was open, and we boarded the plane.

The final trip, time to go home.

AC is starting to remember? After a long while, her memory is starting to be restored possibly? If she remembers it all, this would change her entire life again. Her childhood back in her memories. Next chapter, we will be in Canada, and either the next chapter or the following chapter, we will see how Lucky's progress is doing.

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