Chapter 35

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My mom just walked through the door, she is relieved that I'm okay. Though, most mothers would care for their children and they would want their child to be Okay.

"Anak! Are you okay?" My mom asked.

"Yes mom, my leg is broken, but I'm okay." I replied.

"Your leg!? Are you in pain?"

"Slight, the doctors gave me pain medicine so I don't feel it as much."

"Okay, I'm glad you are in a stable condition because it could've been worse."

"Yeah, if something had happened. It would've been bad."

"Are you okay Lucky?" She asked.

"Yes Tita Cherry. Thank you for asking." Lucky replied.

"Nothing hurts? No broken bones or anything?"

"Nothing that has been discovered. I think I'm fine."

"That's good. Really good that you nothing happened to yourself. You've been through a lot already."

"Your head Lucky? It doesn't hurt anymore?" I asked.

"Not too much. Just the part they hit me on is the only part I can feel that there's a difference, but it's not too painful of a difference."

"Okay, that sounds better than what AC has been going through. Both you and AC have been through so much. I can't believe you guys are back in the hospital again." My mom replied.

"How many times have I been in the hospital in the past few months? It sounds like I've been to the hospital a lot."

"Well, not really. You were technically in the hospital 3 times now, you were in at the Philippines, then transferred to the Canadian one here, than now you're here again."

"Oh, yeah that does seem like a lot of times."

"Yep, I just hope you guys get well, and you can be out of here already."

"Alright well, I have to go pick your brother up AC from school, I'll be back later and I'll get you both some food."

"Okay, thank you Tita."

"Alright mom, thank you."

My mom left, and we were by ourselves again. The boredom here is starting to build up because I don't really know what to do here. Well, there's really not much I can do because I'm stuck here to the hospital bed. I guess I'll just watch TV here in the mean time or I could sleep or have a conversation with Lucky. Travis left because he had to go do some stuff, I think the rest of them might be here tomorrow because they're piled with homework.

10:00 PM

The doctor came by earlier, it was pretty much to be expected, Lucky and I are staying overnight. The doctor didn't really find anything new, so they want to monitor Lucky just incase something might pop up, and also me they want my leg to heal a bit and also want to monitor me aswell.

Both our parents dropped by earlier. It was pretty much the same reaction that my mom gave. If we were hurt, and also stayed here for dinner. We had some salad and chicken wings. They were pretty good.

I'm surprised that I am still up and not fallen asleep yet. I've just been watching TV with Lucky the entire time, and I don't think he's asleep either.

"Lucky are you awake?" I whispered.

"Yeah. What's up?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing really. I thought you were asleep, I've just been having trouble falling asleep."

"Why? Do you feel that there is something wrong?"

"No, I feel okay. It's just I can't believe the events that happened today."

"I know, I've been feeling that to. That's what also keeps keeping me up."

"What exactly keeps keeping you up of the events?"

"Like who would do something like this? Especially to us and at our school. We live in a not too populated area, and something like this just happened. It doesn't make anysense."

Well, I know exactly why this happened. What really keeps me up is this could happen again and they warned of it. I don't want it to happen again which is what is keeping me up.

"Yeah, but what's been keeping me up is what if this happens again. Like now anything can happen."

"I keep thinking that this would only happen once. I hope this is the only time that it happens, but you're right. It can happen again and I don't know what to do if it does happen again."

I know this will happen again, but the question is when will it happen again. I think Lucky now is thinking what am I thinking about.

"I keep thinking of who would do this and I hope they get stopped."

"That's good to also think of. I think we just need to let our minds off of it and get some rest so we can relax and get some energy for tomorrow."

"You're right, but it's hard to keep your mind off something that just happened and it's also pretty scary thinking about. How would you keep your mind off of it?"

"By just thinking about something that you love or something with more meaning that would help keep your mind off of it."

"What is your thing you think about?"

"Thinking about the people I care about and love. Just thinking about the fun times we can have, if there's any memories I did have, I would probably be thinking about them, but I don't have any so I just have to imagine it."

"You're very thoughtful."

"Well... I just care about everyone. What about you? What is your favorite thing you love?"

"I would also have to say family. I couldn't live without them."

I would've said him, but I can't really in this circumstance.

"Good choice. Just keep thinking about that, and you'll be able to fall asleep."

"Alright, good night Lucky."

"Good night AC."

Lucky shut the TV off, and I prayed first before thinking about all the loving memories I have of my family and Lucky. He was right. I was starting to dose off, and now I was able to rest.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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