Chapter 22

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Lucky's POV

Everyone but AC and Travis left. My parents, and AC's parents have to take care of their work, and since no one was able to stay with me, they asked AC. Though i'm fine, I don't need anyone to watch me, and I don't really get too lonely. If I do, I just end taking a nap and let time pass.

"You know, you didn't have to stay with me. I'm fine here." I told AC.

"Do you want me to leave?" AC asked.

"Oh. No, no, no I wasn't asking you to leave, I saying you didn't have to do that just for me."

"It's not like I really had a choice. I didn't want to be rude. Also, I would have still gladly stay here, because I don't want you to be all alone here. I can't imagine what you would do without being able to move around, and also you haven't really figured out how to use your phone to its capacities."

"Well, thank you for staying with me. I appreciate the company. You too Travis."

"You're welcome." AC and Travis said.

"How do you sleep using that? Do you just sleep on the chair, or...?" I asked.

"Haha, no I don't. I am able to get off the wheelchair, and into something else. I'm not stuck to the chair, I sleep in my bed at home."

"Oh... I didn't know that. I was pretty confused on how you were going to sleep. Where are you going to sleep?"

"That's a good question. Probably on the sofa."

"You know... well... um..."

"Yes Lucky?"

"You're more than... welcome to sleep on the bed..."

"Haha, I can tell you were nervous asking me the question. I'm okay, I don't want it to be uncomfortable for you whether it be my presence, or if physically it gets uncomfortable on the bed."

"Are you sure? There's definitely enough room for both of us here."

"I'm fine. I might change my mind later, but right now I'm fine. Plus I'm not going to go to sleep until you are going to."

"Alright, how about we ask more questions?"

"I'd love that. Travis you want to join in?" AC asked.

"Yeah, what will the order be?" Travis asked.

"How about you, AC, than me."

"Alright, I'll go then. If there is one thing you can change about yourself, what would it be?" Travis said.

"Like physically?" AC asked.

"Yeah, otherwise I know what both of you would already choose."

"Probably be taller. I feel like I'm so short compared to everyone." AC said.

"Alright, what about you Lucky?"

"To be stronger. So I won't be as hurt everytime."

"That's a good choice. I would choose to be smarter, because you can never go wrong with being smart." Travis said.

"You're right, now AC, it's your turn."

"Okay, I'll do one for Lucky, and one for Travis. So Lucky, if you could remember any single year's worth of memories, which year would you choose and why? And Travis, if you had to pick between moving to the US or to Europe, which would you choose?"

"I'd say the US. I don't want to be far away from my family and friends, plus there's also a bunch of places in the US I have not seen yet." Travis said.

"I don't know. I have no clue which year would be the most interesting." I said.

"Any year, which ever one you feel could be memorable." AC replied.


"Why 2015?"

"I feel like that's a good number. Can't really go wrong with that."

"Okay, your turn then Lucky."

"What about you? What would've you chosen for both the questions since both can apply to you."

"I'd say 2013 for your question, I don't really know why I chose that number, it feels like a lucky number, and I'd probably also pick US, because I don't want to be far away too. I get homesick when I'm not with anyone."

"Those are quite good answers, okay I'll go. If you could get rid of one memory, what would it be?"

"The time I ended up calling the police because my toy was missing." Travis said.

"Wait what? When did you do that?" AC asked.

"This was a long time ago, and I remember it well, I was young, and I was home, I lost my toy, and for some reason I thought it was a good idea to call the police and ask them to find it. My mom saw me, hung up the phone, and the police came, they just asked her some questions, and my mom got really upset with me after that, and I think that's the reason why I remember that." Travis explained.

"Really? I guess we all have our own crazy stories. It's ashame I can't remember mine. What about you AC?"

"All of last month." She answered in a serious tone.

"Last month? What happened then?" I asked.

"If it's okay with you, I don't want to talk about it. It made me extremely sad, and I don't want to go through that again."

"Did I have something to do with it? If I did, I'm sorry."

"No, you had nothing to do with it. It's just something I don't want to talk about."

Weird. What is it? Why is she like this now? She also sounded angry. I hope that my past self had nothing to do with it, because if I had bullied her in my past or something, I would be really ashamed in myself for resorting to that.


I can't tell Lucky really at all what happened. I just want to forget about all of last month that happened because everything went down and I still get nightmares from that from time to time. Lucky's face being brutally beaten, and everything else that happened.

He will end up finding out about everything eventually, but now is not the time. There will be a time and place for when he may find out the truth.

End of Chapter, AC is taking care of Lucky, she keeps hinting at things to Lucky, but she doesn't mean to do it. Lucky will be discharged soon, and then they will be back to school! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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