Chapter 40

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After everyone arrived, we all walked around in a group, other than me in the wheelchair. I feel like a toddler getting pushed around in a stroller because my legs were too tired, but my leg just doesn't work. We didn't know where to go first, and there were many places in the mall to go to, most of us already ate so the food court would probably not be the right area to be in, but those who didn't eat yet, we stopped by some food areas like Starbucks and Auntie Anne's.

I'm not sure if anyone really needs to shop, I think I'm fine, but I'm not sure about the others. Plus, I know there would be some people that would get bored if we shopped for too long.

"What are we going to be doing first?" I asked.

"You know, that's a good question. I'm not sure what everyone wants to do. We should've probably thought this out before we were here." Travis said.

"Yeah that would've been a good plan. Any suggestions?"

"Movie?" Erika asked.

"Maybe not the first thing we do but that certainly can be an option." Clark said.

"We could go check out what movies we could watch." Travis suggested.

"That's a pretty good idea, we should go there." Clark said.

"Everyone agree?" Travis asked.

Everyone shook there head yes, and it was settled that we are going to walk to the movie theater to see what movies there are to watch. I know that everyone is probably going to like watching different genres, so that's going to be hard getting everyone to the same movie to agree with.

We got to the theater, and there were a couple movies we could watch, well two movies but I think I know which one everyone was gonna pick. It was between The Commuter and Infinity War, and Infinity War came out not too long ago, it's currently May of 2018, and I actually haven't watched that movie yet, and I hear there are many people watching that movie and saying it is really good.

"So, what should we all watch?" Travis asked.

"Infinity War." Most of the group said.

"Has anyone watched it yet?" Travis asked.

"Yes, but I wanted to see it a second time anyways because I wanted to analyze everything that I didn't see the first time." Ben said.

"Okay as long as everyone is okay with it, then we could all watch it. I don't want anyone to be bored for the next couple hours watching the movie because they watched it too many times." Travis replied.

We all bought our tickets, and from what Ben is saying, the theater isn't as crowded as when he went before. I think though that there were more people here that watched it already then just Ben and they are just being silent about it.

We got our snacks from the concession area with all the popcorn, drinks, sweets and other hot foods. I got popcorn, soda, and some Ice Cream, and I saw Lucky get some nachos, a slice of pizza, and water.

We all paid for our food, and got it and went to the theater, well first Lucky, Kyla, and I went to the bathrooms, Lucky couldn't go into the bathroom with me and that would have been awkward for both of us, so Kyla helped push me into the bathroom.

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