Chapter 25

12 1 1

Vancouver, Canada

Two Weeks Later

Lucky's POV

I've finally been discharged after a long time, and I already start school tomorrow. I can't believe it. To me, it's like I'm starting my first day at school, but to everyone else, it's all basically the same.

AC stayed with me for all two weeks. I don't know how she did, but she did. I would've assumed she have to go back to school already, but she said she was going to wait for me. It's really thoughtful of her, but I don't know why she would wait for me because she definitely didn't have to.

AC mentioned she had went to the Philippines not too long ago, and apparently I was with her. Our families went on a vacation there for a couple months, and we got back, and then the accident came.

My parents are still busy with work, and since no one was at the house, my parents said I can invite AC over because she's the only one who isn't in school and isn't working at the moment.

I called her on my phone to see if she wants to come over.

"Hello?" AC asked.

"Hey AC, would you like to come over to my house? Your the only person I can really ask because everyone is still in school." I greeted.

"Sure, I'd love to come over. I'll be there soon."

"Okay, want me to go to your house so I can walk you over?"

"Nah, I'm fine. Thanks though."

"Alright, be safe."

"Thanks, I'll see you in a couple minutes."


It's 1 PM right now, and I don't know if AC ate or not, but I can always attempt to cook something, or probably just microwave something so I don't burn the house down. I ate a not as filling lunch, so I might eat a snack later on.

Ding Dong

The doorbell rang, and I went to the door to answer it, and there was AC with her crutches, better for her to use these than a wheelchair. It's faster, and I think they look better than using a wheelchair.

"Hey AC, how's it going?" I asked.

"Pretty good, how about you?" She replied.

"Great, thanks. Come inside and we could do something on our last day before school starts."

"Sounds good, have you caught up on all your assignments that you needed to do when we went on vacation?"

"Yep, I got those done first thing because I really would not want to do that later on."

"That was also a good thing because you don't know what other work they would give you once we are back in school."

"Yeah, did you eat yet?"

"Nope, though I think my stomach is fine."

"You haven't eaten? I think your stomach will be pretty angry if you don't give it food. What do you want to eat?"

"I don't know, I don't think you would be able to make anything unless you learned how to cook already."

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