Explanation Time

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A/N: Hello. Just as a warning, there is an almost panic attack in the chapter. I will make the section with // and \\. It is not essential to the plot, so if you skip it, that is okay. Enjoy!
     ~ Rayne

Well, I spent my whole shower thinking about how I was going to explain this. It had been so much easier when I was in school and I could come up with an excuse that made some sense, like field trips and over nights, even one or two fancy trips sprinkled in here and there. But this, this stumbled me.

I finally decided that I needed to talk to someone before my head exploded from all the thoughts storming inside. There were two people I could confide in: Dad or Knock. One would be directly effected and had no choice but to come with me, while the other knew how to get the truth out of me in seconds. Neither sounded like a good option if I was being honest.

"Then why not throw the two together and see what happens. Sounds like a great idea." That's what I told my reflection as I brushed my wet hair out, and even I could see that I was lying straight through my own teeth at this one.

Walking downstairs seemed like an impossible task, but I knew I had to do this so I walked, one foot in front of the other, down the stairs and sat next to my dad.

"Do you want to drive out to Blossom Vale with me? Cody said you guys had to replant parts of it, and I was wondering if you could show me some of the newer plants." I know it sounded lame and it was a bad cover up, but I'd anything Dad had always been understanding.

"Sure." His smile was genuine, genuinely hiding his concern.

It's not that the drive was silent, but it was close to that, the music doing most of the talking. Knock couldn't say anything while we were in town because no one had discovered their secret, somehow.

"It been a while since I've been here, almost forgot how beautiful it is. It was worth replanting everything." The comment didn't seem off hand, but I knew that my dad was hiding something in his words.

"It really is. It's peaceful too." We started walking towards the beach area, Knockout transforming and following us, after checking around for anyone else.

"If you would stop talking in code, we could maybe have a conversation that I understand." As I counted on, Knock lightened the conversation while also breaking down some of the barriers that I had been building.

"Fine," Dramatics were as much of a defense as an offence, "I saw Prime again, and he said some... interesting things."

Everyone froze, and I don't know how Knock didn't fall over. His jaw dropped and Knock eventually sat down, putting a hand out for me to get on. I did so, but Dad joined me, taking my hand even with the question in his eye.

"What did he say?" Knock's voice was hard, something I hadn't heard in a long time. This voice was one I heard when someone got hurt and we all had to take it in in one breathe and the let it go the next.

"Bee needs our help." Explaining it was simple, but that wasn't the problem that had to be faced when it came to this.

"Proof?" I took out my phone and zoomed in on the picture of the text.

Both Knock and my dad looked carefully at it, deeming it real and Knockout adding one small detail I had thought he would know; "It says 'Alchemor'. Wasn't that on the piece of metal that landed in the museum a while ago?"

"It was. Bolder said it was a Cypertronian prison ship, or at least that's what he thought the word meant. If it is, it makes sense that Bee might need some help, especially if he doesn't have a team." Filling my brain with possible facts to distract myself from my shaking hands was working, for now.

"I'll ask about it when we get back to the Fire House." Knock seemed laid back about this, maybe that was just the impression he was trying to give off or maybe after so many missions from Optimus, this didn't seem crazy at all.

"Did Optimus say why Bee needed your help?" Dad was finally jumping in on the conversation, rubbing his thumb on my hand, keeping me focused on one piece of myself, a small thing to keep me grounded.

"No. I just have the address, the name of the owner, the name of the... business? That along with Bee's name, his current vehicle form and the name of the Alchemor." My words speed up near the end, getting frustrated with myself for not knowing everything I needed and not being able to control my own breathing, which was happening.

// "Claire, hey. It's okay darling. We're here; just breathe." The words brought me back somewhat, helping me feel the movement of the something rubbing against my hands: my dad's hands. He was grounding me with the warmth.

"We'll figure it out, okay? What ever it is we will figure it out. But you need to have your head on straight to do that." Knock's words, while abrupt, were helpful, giving me a goal and a promise.

It took a minute or two for me to calm down enough to start moving my thumbs along with my dad, telling him that I was getting better. For Knock, I started tapping my foot to a simple, steady beat that helped me count my breaths out.

"Calm?" I nodded as I took a final deep breath and looked both Dad and Knock in the eyes. \\

"Good. You wanna sit and listen to some music?" Knockout is always so sweet to me after something like this and he knows some little things that my dad hadn't learned yet.

"Sure." I smiled as Dad carefully held me as we descended towards the ground, taking it so far to open the passenger door for me and close it once I was securely inside. The music started play softly and the seat warmed comfortably.

"Do you want me to drive you anywhere?" Dad sat with his hands on Knock's steering wheel, seeming a little uncomfortable, probably because he had never driven a car like this. I knew Knock would be more caution with him behind the wheel then me, so I wasn't worried.

I thought about it a little bit, finally answering in a small voice, "Home?", and a smile was my reply as we drove out of the parking lot of Blossom Vale.

The whole drive, I thought about how lucky I was to have such a great Dad and partner by my side; two people who knew me in different ways, yet worked together to help me. I guess Prime was right to partner me with Knock and to have him stay with me when I came home.

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