Miko's Calling

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I was lucky that I didn't have to get wet from the rain, but it looks like Kade hadn't been so lucky. I hope that Hayley was more dry than he was because if not, she was not going to be happy.

"Caught in the rain?" I didn't know Dani was down here, but she was, sitting with Blades as they went over storm data.

"Shut it Dani." Grumpy Kade was an easy to annoy Kade, perfect.

"Or maybe Hayley dunked him in the ocean a few times." I walked up to my sister, smirking at my brother.

"I would leave now hothead, they're teaming up on you." Heatwave was watching from afar, amused by how much of siblings were all are.

Kade took Heatwave's advise, for once, and left with a pout on his face. As much as I love my brothers, it was fun to annoy them, especially if it was Kade. Something about him being the oldest made him the best to bother.

"It's like you want to make him mad." Knockout bumped me with his foot as he walked by.

"Same as how you hid Ratchet's tools or 'reorganized' his lab table." Dani looked surprised that our banter, but we are good enough friends that little things never hurt.

My phone rang before I could say anything else. I looked and whispered under my breath, "Speak of the devil."

"Miko?" Knock was on my case, and I nodded as I answered.

"Hi Miko. What's up?" I was ready for her craziness this time, mostly.

"Not much. Hanging out with Bulk today, and we are currently heading back to the base. Let's go down that hill Bulk." I stated laughing and shook my head as I heard a negative reply from Bulkhead.

"Fun. I just got back from the beach. It was raining, so I couldn't go swimming or anything, but it was still nice." Miko knew a piece of my struggle, almost everyone did, but they never saw all of it.

"How is everything at home? Have you told them about Knockout yet?" She might be crazy, but Miko could get information out of any body just by asking the right questions.

"Things are pretty good around here, nothing to wild yet. Do you remember when you tried to call me the other day, but I was driving?" I waited for some sound to come from her end before continuing. "So, Cody forgot to tell me that the family we were going to see had a new guard dog. Now, I wouldn't have minded if the guard dog wasn't an animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex."

"Wow, really?!" I knew she would like that, and tell everyone else about it on my behalf, without asking me about it.

"Yeah, scared me at first but he's actually super nice. But, yes to your second question, I told my family... this morning. Most of them were pretty shocked that I had a sentient being with me." I laughed and could hear Miko laughing too. After being around the boys for so long, I think it was good that there was another girl close to her age there.

"Well, what else would you expect? Their like ten feet tall giants made of metal, then they can become these tiny little vehicles. I guess O.P. is the exception because he's a truck for some reason." I liked having a friend like Miko, she kept me young and on my toes.

I was about to speak when the alarm went off and I had to move as everyone raced down and my dad shouted at me to head up to the call center and help Cody.

"Bye Miko, gotta run." I hung up before hearing her reply. It seemed that the island needed saving, nothing new apparently.

A/N: If anyone would like to leave ideas or suggests that would be cool with me and I could try to put them in future chapters. Bye for now!
~ Rayne

Rescue Bots: The Other SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora