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(Knockout P.O.V.)
We had just gotten back from Blossom Vale and I knew Claire was feeling better about living here. While there had been somethings that were still bugging her, there was a lot more good coming out of this.

Also, I must say, Blossom Vale is beautiful. It also leaves less of a mess than the beaches in Canada did. Now I didn't have to worry about sand scratching up my paint.

"Good night Knock. See you in the morning; don't cause any trouble while I'm gone." As much as I love this girl, she needed to know that I didn't make trouble (most of the time), but trouble came to me.

"Night Claire-y. I'll try, but who knows what will happen." I hear her laugh as she gets into the elevator, keys jingling as she walked.

I was smiling too, until something happened that I never would have thought about. The vehicles that Claire's family drove were not to far from me, all seeming to be normal, not-alive, human-invented technology sitting parked in a garage.

I was wrong, very wrong.

"State your name, purpose and side." The fire truck had some sort of blaster trained in me. I didn't know what it could do so I transformed and slowly raised my hands.

I could feel another blaster run lightly across my back and by the three mechs standing in front of me I knew that it was the police car.

"My name is Knockout. I'm an Autobots who used to work for the Decepticons, but changed sides before the end of the war. I was assigned to guard Claire Burns near the end of the war and have since been reassigned to stay with her and learn about human culture." I didn't want to admit it, but I was kinda scared of these guys.

"Okay then Knockout. What is..."

"What in the Primes' is going on here!?" Shot! Claire was back. Why did she have to have good timing?

"They're interrogating me. They think I'm a Decepticon still." I was putting up an act to make it seem like I wasn't terrified. I was smirking, but Claire was looking at my eyes, the one place I was horrible at hiding my emotions.

"He's not dangerous, unless you get on his bad side." Claire was laughing, showing not fear towards the situation.

The red mech bent down to take a closer look at Claire and I felt something inside me change. If he wanted to hurt her, he was going to have to fight me. I know knew what the others were talking about when they felt protective of their kid. Bulk always wanting to keep Miko out of trouble; Arcee always trying to make sure Jack wasn't in harms way; Bee making sure Raf always had someone to play with. All of that made much more sense now.

"If you hurt her, I will kill you." The words came out as one long growl and I could feel the tension rising in the room as the red-colored mech turned back to me, glaring hard at me.

Claire was the one to break the tension, "All I came down here for was to get my phone. So, can I get my phone?"

A nod signaled for me to transform and Claire snuck into my drivers seat grabbing her phone from the cup holder near the gear shift. As she left, she made the extra effort to rub the wheel a few time, calming me down a little.

"Thank you. Now I'm going to close my eyes and count to five, and when I open them all of you will be where you were when I first left. And it will stay like that all night. Does everyone understand?" I nodded quickly, knowing this drill from before.

As she stated counting, I rolled back to where I was parked and settled in for the night. I was happy to see that the others followed suit.

"Five." Opening her eyes, Claire looked around the room, "Thank you. I will see you all in the morning when we can work this out without weapons."

I knew that Claire was tough, but she was much stronger than I had ever though. Claire Burns was fierce, so watch out world.

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