Insane Or Just Crazy?

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After clearing out the metal from the museum and running one last check on everything to make sure we didn't miss anything, we left. Dad talked to the museum staff and they were able to reopen the building, but if anything came up they would have to call him.

I couldn't talk to the others about what I had seen, but I knew that Knockout could tell that something was up.

"Do you want to go to Blossom Vale? You can take those pictures you didn't get to take yesterday." Knowing that I had never mentioned taking any pictures to him, this was Knock's way of allowing me to have some space.

"Oh yeah. The lighting would actually be pretty good right now." I smiled gratefully at my guardian, letting him know that I did want to get away and that he was very smart about it.

The drive was silent, besides the music playing lightly in the background. My seat was warm, even though there was no signs that I was anxious. We got there and sat for awhile before I finally stared talking.

"Can Cybertronians talk through reflections or something like that?" The words were quiet, almost apprehensive, because I didn't know if I wanted an answer.

"Not that I know of. If there was, goodness you would never get rid of me." Oh goodness, that would be horrible, but we stated laughing at the words.

"Why do you ask?" Knockout's voice turned concerned. He had stopped laughing and I could see the gears turning in his head, trying to think why I would ask.

"No reason. Just making sure you're not hiding anything from me." I tried to play it off as a joke, trying to keep the light energy from before. I didn't want this to get heavy or worrisome because nothing good came from those things.

"I'm not, at least on hidden powers. And I know you well enough to know every question has a reason. What's up Claire?" I really disliked and loved how Knockout could see straight through my walls, like they were made of glass rather than stone.

I sighs and looks into the distance, watching the trees blow in the wind, wishing that my worries could blow away just as easily. "Today, when I went into the museum, there was a reflection on the bottom of the piece of the metal. It was Prime, and he talked to me."

"What did he say?" Knock sounded genuinely curious, but also slightly worried.

"That the Alchemor isn't our problem, but that Bee might need help. I have to call Folwer and see if there is anyway to see if Bee is back on Earth." It sounded crazy, but I knew that he wouldn't judge me.

"If Bee was coming back to Earth, I doubt Folwer would know. I don't think anyone would know unless they were told." He made a good point, but something still felt off.

"I guess. Thanks for listening and not thinking I'm insane." I laughed a little, thinking about all the crazy things I had done, but Knock had stayed with me through all of them.

"I don't think you're insane, but you're defiantly crazy." He started laughing and I couldn't help join.

"You're crazy too, you know that right?" I couldn't help myself, it was too fun and too easy to tease him, and it was the same back.

"Oh course. What else do you expect me to be?" I know that we had to sound ridiculous, laughing and insulting each other like siblings, but we didn't care. All that mattered was that we were happy and we were.

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