Knock, We're Not in Jasper Anymore

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"Fix it..."

"Decepticon alert sir. It seems they are trying to obtain an ex-parental-extensional," the minicon bonked himself on the head before continuing, "experimental power source in one of the city's remote nuclear testing facilities."

"Great." The tone made it clear that I was already annoyed with the situation, knowing how well this would turn out.

"Who's there?" Bee ignored my comment as Sideswipe and Strongarm gave me confused side glances, not quite sure how to react to my comment. Neither of them had ever worked with me or Knock, so they didn't know what to expect.

"Seems to be Steeljaw and his normal pack, but there is someone new, sir." The name made Knockout tense next to me. He set me down as soon as we had arrived so he could move around without having to worry about me falling.

"Do we have a name?"

"Yes! His name is Void. Known for his work in the medical field during the beginning of the Cybertion War before being captured and put in status like the rest, he seems to have no apparent weapons hogged-slogged," clink, "logged." The little mech looked away from the holographic screen to see if he could be of any more assistance.

"Void has sharp black blades that are easy to hide. He can control the length of them and is a proud swordsman." Knock had a glassed look over his eyes, as if he was remembering something from cycles ago.

"How would you know that?" Strongarm's hand moved down to where she kept her stunner, on edge about the new information.

"I worked with him in the beginning of the war. At that point I was a low rank medic who was trying to prove himself to get a higher ranking. Working with Void helped move me up the ranks to where I was during the war. We worked with dark energon and I helped make the models for what later became the clone-Wheeljack. One day he just disappeared and Breakdown took his spot." The explanation was valid, but hesitance hid underneath.

I 'poked' (more like hit) Knock's leg, wanting to get his attention. When he looked down I raised my arms up like a child, making 'graby' hands,  knowing he needed some comfort and a distraction. Going back into the past is never easy for anyone.

"You did good." I spoke the words once I was set comfortably on his shoulder, and closer to his auditory processors.

That's when I noticed that Bee's team was watching us carefully, waiting to see if Knock had truly changed his ways or if he was going to betray them. But they turned their attention back to their leader once Bee started talking again.

"Good to know. We are going to need some upgraded weapons for this, and we need to get Knockout a weapon in general."

I laughed a little, knowing that fighting had never been Knock's strong suit, or preferred activity. He would rather be hiding or helping heal someone so they could fight for him.

"What are you laughing about?" I forgot how close I was to Knock's auditory processors; he could hear me laughing loud and clear.

"Oh, just you... fighting." I continued laughing, having seen some of the training he did back in the Team Prime days, mostly working with Arcee.

"I can fight!" The rise in his voice only made me laugh harder, knowing that I was embarrassing him.

"You say that like you didn't get beat up by Arcee whenever you spared with her. Even Ratchet could take you down and he never fought." Bee held his hand out for me, and I walked on.

"Oh yeah, team up on the poor medic who never learned how to fight because he was always guarded."

"With horrible guards, they didn't even last a minute when we fought them."

"I never said they were well trained guards!"

"Boys! Focus please!" There were few times that I raised my voice and when I did, everyone knew to listen, especially those from Team Prime.

"Sorry." "Sorry, Claire."

"Now, how difficult would this mission be Fix-it?" I turned on Bee's shoulder to be able to look the minicon in the eyes.

"Considering how many times we have fought these decepticons and having a larger team, it should be relatively easy." A hopeful tone made me smile at him, but I still turned to Bee.

"And that means..."

"Likely no injures, but we're still gonna have to fight out way though this one. Are there any humans near by?" The attention was turned back to the topic at hand.

"No. The building was evacuated due to the break- break- break," Russel tapped the poor minicon's head, another clink resounding through the air, "in. Any near by residents have been evacuated as well, being told of possible danger." 

"Is there any danger for humans that enter that facility?" If I could help I would, proving that humans could make a difference on a mission, even though that had been proved may times before.

"It seems they were working with uranium, noted as having harmful radiation if mixed with certain substances. With the evacuation order, I would say that it is not safe for any human to enter the area." Fix-it looked me in the eyes as he spoke, knowing that I intended to ride along with my partner. 

"So we're riding unmanned." The look was on Knockout's face stone-cold, causing an unsettling feeling in my chest.

"We'll have the base on coms and everyone here will be safe." Bee's voice was firm, trying to reassure Knock and me that nothing would happen. But, in short, he was failing.

"I'll be okay Knock, I always was when you went out for missions with Prime. Besides, someone needs to be here to prep a med kit encase of emergency and I was trained by two of the best medics." I smiled, looking the mech straight in the eyes as I spoke, seeing past the hard walls that had been built over years of war, external and internal. 

"This isn't Jasper, with the fancy government base, nor is this Griffin Rock. This is a scrap yard in the middle of nowhere across a river from a city. It's not safe like the other two places." There is was: the real worry that was plaguing Knock.

"This may not be Jasper or Griffin Rock, but if Bee says that I will be safe here, I trust him. And I can take care of myself; I'm not that scared little college student anymore." 

A pin could drop and even then it wouldn't break the silence that we had created. The tension just sat there for a while, no one willing to break it. 

The main console buzzed and we were all brought back to the situation at hand. 

"Do we still have those prototype Decepticon-hunters?" Bee turned to Fix-it, refocusing the team and re-prioritizing the conversation. 

"Yes. Here is the most-ghost-host," clink, "functional one." It was like the sliver baton came out of nowhere, almost magically appearing, but I wouldn't be surprised if they could preform magic. 

"Now, let's rev up and roll out!"

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