Thank The Primes

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It was maybe almost midnight now, I had totally forgot that time was a thing and that I had been out so late in the first place. But I was starting to feel the pull of sleep, my body and mind needing rest after everything that had happened today.

I think I dozed off on the way back to the Fire House, sitting comfortable in Chase's passenger seat. I was suddenly thrown back to reality with the sound of car doors closing, following their lead.

"I'll go grab the disk from the med bay." I'm glad someone was keeping track of what we were doing because tired, slightly-groggy me may have forgotten.

I walked up to Knockout and put my head on the top of the driver's side window, whispering, "Everything going to be okay. Also, I'm going to kill you for letting me go that close to a dangerous space rock." No words came back to combat the threat.

"Here we go." It was a disk, almost like a car tire. The center was filled with a maroon red liquid, almost matching the color of Knock's paint.

I backed up, Dad taking my hand as we waited. I held my breath, which was part of the reason my heart didn't beat out of my chest, but also because the room had become deathly silent, all of us waiting.

(Knockout's P.O.V.)
"Also, I'm going to kill you for letting me go that close to a dangerous space rock." I wanted to say something back but I couldn't! Why couldn't I comfort Claire and tell her I was sorry that she had to go through an attack because of me? I think I just proved that I was indeed the worst guardian ever.

"Here we go." Bolder stick something to my hood, and it looked like something we used to use for medical storage. Whatever it was, it better not have scratched my paint or someone was getting hurt.

I suddenly felt something rushing through me, freeing me from the invisible cage I was in. It was like a rush of warmth that was almost too hot, and I had the urge to jump way like it was a puddle of Unicron's blood.

I transformed, and leaned down to Claire, seeing tears in her eyes. I whipped them away saying, "What are these for?"

"You, you idiot. Don't ever scare me like that again." She hugged me, or tried to. I wrapped a hand around her back, allowing her to step onto my palm and be lifted up to my shoulder.

"Oh, and how were you planning to kill me? Unless, you've got some hidden power, you're too tiny to kill me." I smiled and nudged her lightly with a finger.

"I didn't really get that far into my plan, but I'll figure it out." Claire sounded tired. I could understand that after everything that had happened.

"I'm good with that, mainly 'cause I get to live another day." I laughed a little, but made sure that I wasn't too loud.

"I'm just happy you're okay, and thank the Primes for that." I heard her laugh wearily, and I knew she was reaching the last of her energy.

"You've spent too much time with Ratchet." I knew that the conversation was coming to a close and this would be a good way to end it.

"Maybe. But, I really am glad you're okay Knock. I don't like being without you for too long." I felt the warmth in my spark grow, knowing that she really did mean those words.

"And I don't like being too far away from you either." I smiled and heard Claire's breaths starting to even out.

I held out a hand for Chief to climb on and take his daughter to bed. He was smiling and I could tell that he was happy with how things turned out, and thank the Prime's for that.

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