A Drive

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It was about 3 in the afternoon by the time everything was most unpacked and the room almost cleared of boxes. There were still a few left in my room, things that I needed to put away on my own at a later date, but everything else was done.

I walked down to the kitchen, and even if it was mid afternoon, Dad was still reading the paper. I kissed him of the head with a hug around his shoulders.

"I'm gonna drive up to Blossom Vale. If there is anything you need while I'm out let me know. Love you Dad."

"Love you too Claire." With that he went back to reading the paper, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

I smiled back at my dad as I rushed down the stairs, taking out Knockout's 'keys'. They were fakes to make everyone think that he was nothing more than a normal car, when really Knock was much more than that.

We drove out of the Fire House, waiting until we were in the woods to start talking. I had been wanting quiet time like this for a while, and this was how I got it.

"So, how is everything going?" Knock started the conversation once we started down the roads lined with woods.

"Pretty good. I mean Dani hasn't cooked any food yet, so it could be so much worse." I laughed and could feel Knockout smiling.

"Dani not a good cook?"

"Not even close. Everything is burnt, undercooked or just tastes wrong when she cooks. I even tried to help her a few times and it still came out disastrous. It seems that jus being in the kitchen is a bad idea for her." When I finished, we were both laughing.

We turned onto the dirt road that lead to the small parking space. There was no one around, so I signaled for Knockout to transform and sit with me. It was almost comical when we sat together, for I was like a bug compared to him.

"Who has annoyed you the most?" Knockout was trying to get everything out of my system, a smart thing to do.

"Kade. He's always thinking about food or his girlfriend. I can't believe he has a girlfriend now, it seemed like it would never happen."

"Maybe he really is a lady's man, like me." I laughed and patted the side of his head from where I was sitting on his shoulder.

"The only two femmes you've met have tried to kill you, at least once. And just because I hang around you, doesn't make any difference. Sorry buddy." Knock pouted comically, acting for me.

"Anyway, who has talked to you the least?" As much as I wanted to bug him about his nonexistent love life, there were other things to talk about.

"Graham, but he's working on something and has always been quiet, so i don't mind that much." I crossed my legs underneath me and leaned down to rest my hands on my chin.

"I think I know who has been the most talkative, but I'm still gonna let you tell me." I smiled, knowing that this was all part of his plan.

"Cody," I was smiling so big at the love I felt coming from him. "He has so much energy and joy. It's just amazing. He was willing to spend time with me when I asked and made sure that we had some fun when we needed it most."

"He seems like a good kid. Not as much energy as Miko, but still has the brains of Raf, and the common sense of Jack."

"I love how you just compared my little brother to the crazies back in Jasper. That reminds me, I have to text Miko later and maybe call her tomorrow."

"I will make sure to remind you tomorrow morning." Goodness, Knockout was the best. He had always been there for me and I had a feeling that he always would.

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