Meeting The Team

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"We should probably introduce you two to the rest of the team." Bee smiled at me, motioning for everyone to follow him. Knock offered a hand out for me and I happily climbed on.

It was interesting to see the world from up so high, getting a new view of the place that Bee had claimed as home for the time being. I now understood what Cody meant when he talked about how being above the island helped him map it all out, it was similar for me right now.

"So, this is our base. It's not much, but it has everything we need to hunt Deceptions." It looked simple compared to what the base in Jasper, but then again that base was much older, had government help and had more experienced bots.

"It-ts nice." Why did I have to stutter again? I was comfortable being on Knock's shoulder and my brain had settled down from the craziness that had just happened.

"Is this your whole team, Bee?" Knockout had taken the lead of the conversation, getting the information that we needed to piece together the puzzle and see how we were going to fit in.

"No, we have a few more members," Bee turned back towards where we had just come from and raised his voice, "Grim! Fixit! Drift! You're good to come out now."

The ground began to shake at Bee's words, Knock moving his hand up to his shoulder to give me something to hold onto so I didn't fall. There was also the sound of another car coming and a sound that was too high to be from a car, but it was some sort of automobile.

And to my surprise, in came a green dinosaur, another car and a mini-bot? I'm not sure what to call all of them, but it was interesting to see them all enter, almost like one of those 'if so and so walked into a bar' jokes.

"Team, meet Knockout and Claire. They will be working and staying with us for the time being, so please treat them with respect." Bee looked pointedly at Sideswipe when he spoke of respect, leading me to only further concluded that Sideswipe had taken up the role of trouble maker for this team. 

"Welcome, my name-game-pain," The green dino simply tapped the small mech without even a second thought, "Is Fixit. Thank you Grimlock." 

"And I am Drift and these are my students: Jetstorm and Slipstream." Two smaller bots transformed off of the mech's arms, the same coloring and very similar look, just smaller. 

"Nice t-to meet you a-all." I can't believe I was stuttering again, but now that I think of it there was a lot happening and I had a feeling that it would take a while to process all of this.

But I had Knock by my side and I knew he understood me and what I needed, most of the time. And maybe we would make some new friends, ones who we could help us in the future. For now, we have our mysterious mission in front of us. 

Hello! If anyone has any ideas for the mission, let me know. Sorry this took so long to post, *enter chosen excuse here*, but hopefully I will be able to post more often now that school has ended. That said, have an amazing summer! 

         ~ Rayne

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