Good Afternoon?

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I woke up and moved stiffly to where I had put my alarm clock. The numbers were blurry for a second, telling me I was still half asleep. But when they focused I also feel right off the bed.

"It's 2:37! How did I sleep that long?" I swore the words were just in my head, not out loud, but I heard them, so they came out of my mouth.

I got up, not really thinking about what I was doing and nearly walked into a wall. It was beside my dresser so I guess I was trying to get cloths for the day. I hadn't even looked down to see that I was still in yesterday's cloths, minus the jacket and necklace, someone must have taken those off me before tucking me in.

I threw on the sweatshirt from the other day, having to put it on a second time because the first time it was on backwards and I only noticed that because I couldn't see anything through the hood.

I didn't care what my hair looked like, not knowing that it had been braided back into a fishtail like when I slept in Dad's bed. He had always used it to help me calm down, telling me that when the braid came undone in the morning, I could worry about everything, but I never had to worry because I always felt better in the morning.

I think I walked towards the stairs, bumping into somethings, including one of my brothers.

"Good morning sleepy, or it's afternoon, so good afternoon? Anyway, I think you might have beat Kade's record, 13 hours. I think you were asleep for about 14 hours." It was Cody, bouncing around like he had eaten three ice cream sundaes, but then again, he had energy at eight in the morning.

"Nice. I'm gonna make some tea, want any?" I wouldn't give him caffeinated tea, but I could probably find a box of decaf tea somewhere in the kitchen.

"I'm good, thanks though. There are left overs in the fridge if you want them, but warning it's probably Dani's cooking." With that, Cody skipped away, or at least that's what it looked like.

Blinking, I stumbled down the stairs, lucky to only trip twice before shuffling to the coffee maker and turning it on.

"Coffee or tea?" I jumped, hitting my hand on the table lightly. I really had to get myself some caffeine, or maybe a cold shower would help me get my brain started.

"Black tea." I turned to face my Dad sitting at the table, reading the newspaper like it was a normal day, which I guess it was.

"Sleep good?" He was dead serious, how? If you asked a question like that it was a joke or a way to make fun of someone else.

"Apparently." I laughed quietly as I grabbed the box of tea bags from it's new spot on the counter.

I pulled a mug out, seeing that it was one that was from school, and smiled. I had always had mornings like this after exams and my roommates seemed to know to leave me alone during that time, but this time I wanted to be with family.

"Any fun happen this morning?" I watched the water pour into the mug, steaming up the air around it and creating a little cloud of semitransparent white around the falling water.

"Not that I know of, but the is someone down stairs who asks me about you every time I go down there." I knew he was talking about Knock, who I would go see when I was done making my tea. "Oh, and Kade are two whole pizzas for lunch today."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, and neither could Dad. I didn't even hear my tea finish because we were laughing so much.

"Well, Kade loves his food. There is no denying that." And with that I picked up my tea, laughing a little, and waddled over to the elevator, with full intent to go see Knockout, and hopefully do that without spilling my tea, but who knows what's going to happen.

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