The Long Road Home

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I can't believe it's been almost 4 years since I've been home. Of course I tried to visit when I could but getting back to Griffin Rock was hard, and sometimes it wasn't worth the effort and the time. I tired to come home for Christmas, but last year didn't work out very well and I ended up staying in Toronto with some friends. But I had graduated and I knew why my family couldn't come, they were the only protection Griffin Rock had and they needed to be there.

"Claire! Is your dorm cleaned out?" It was a friend of mine, Sarah. She was one of the first girls I had ever met on campus and we had become roommates last year, along with some of our other friends.

"Yeah, just gotta load this last box into the back seat. Everything else is going into temporary storage until I can drive back up with family and collect it." One problem with not having a family that could get away from work easy is the fact that I couldn't fit everything inside my car, so I was going to have to make a few trips to get everything.

"They couldn't come up to help, eh?" Sarah knew a little about my family, but I never really shared much about them or brought them up in conversation.

"Nope. They're busy as always, but I cool with that." I wasn't, but no one had to know that.

"Well, keep in touch and send me some of your American Smarties." I laughed as she walked away, joining the group of kids who were flying back to Victoria, British Columbia.

That last box sat next to me as I started driving, saying a temporary goodbye to the school I had been living at for 4 years, knowing I would be back to take a drive around while with family.

My phone rang and I answered, setting it on speaker before greeting the person on the other end of the line, "Hello?"

"Hi darling, it's Dad. Just wanted to make sure you were good." I got calls like this all the time, everyone was so sweet, except Kade, all he wanted was food.

"Hey Dad. I just finished loading what I could into my car, the rest is going into storage for now, and I'm going to start the drive back any minute." It was going to be a long drive, about 11 to 13 hours, mostly depending on highway traffic and boarder crossing speed.

"Okay, make sure to take breaks and rest if you need to. Are you stopping at a hotel for a night?" I loved how Dad always worried about me, but I was 25 now and knew what I was doing, mostly.

"Not this time. But, I will make sure to stop when I need to and be safe. I'll call you when I cross the boarder as a check in. I love you and I'm so excited to see you soon." I had just gotten onto the highway and needed to focus on the road.

"Okay. Love you Claire. Everyone here is so excited to see you and we will be waiting with hugs when you arrive." I knew I would get lots of hugs and love, but I would also need a nap when I got home.

"Can't wait. Bye Dad."

"Bye darling." He hung up and I turned the radio on a little bit, wanting to hear the music that I would be leaving behind. I was leaving lots behind, but there was so much more to gain.

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