Bye-bye Robo-baby

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The rest of the day was relatively uneventful, surprisingly. I had visits from everyone and Knockout learned a lot about humans from Robo-baby, and I learned a bit more about Cybertronian children.

Robo-baby was happy to see Cody again, along with all the other bots. And true to what Graham had said, Heatwave did have a soft side and the little robot was the key to unlocking it. And still, he tried to play it off, but it ended up with all of us laughing as Robo-baby pulled at Heatwave's finger, trying to get him to play with them.

Eventually time ran out and I started packing everything up. Knockout was in charge for making sure that nothing crazy happened as I double checked that everything was ready and that I wasn't missing anything.

"Are you ready for a car ride? We gonna go for a drive." My voice was baby-ish and I carful scooped them up into my arms before putting them into the car seat that I had loaded into Knock's back seat seconds ago.

My reply was babbling and what sounded like the word yeah, with extra letters and sounds. Best thing, there was no disagreement or crying, so I knew that at least part of the drive would be good, I didn't know about the rest.

Yet, to my surprise, Robo-baby was very good in the car. There was no crying or whining, but it might have helped that I was singing the whole way.

"Look where we are." I kept making little point-less comments as we arrived and unloaded at the Greene's. It was all smiles and giggles from the little one as I picked up the carrier and started walking toward the labs open door.

"Hello Claire. How was your day with the little cutie?" Doc meet us at the door, picking Robo-baby right out of their carrier and swinging them around as they giggled loudly.

"Really good. We had lots of visitors and playmates." I gave a gentle tickle to Robo-baby's chest and their little giggle started again, them trying to grab my finger as I moved it away, playing along smiling. 

"Excellent. Thank you Claire." Doc put the little one down in their carrier and brought it to the lab set up against the wall, setting everything up to gather the data from the logo within the chip. 

"Let me know if you need any Doc, I'll be around." I signaled for Knock to transform, knowing that I needed to pick up the bunker before tomorrow when Dad said he was hosting a meeting for the bots on some small things. 

"Of course. Bye Claire." He waved over his shoulder, half-mindedly as he had already gotten into his work, getting ready to assess the data that Robo-baby collected. 

We were on the drive down the mountain when Knock finally said something, "Home or drive around for a while?"

"Drive for a little, if you don't mind." There is always question about how this mech knew me so well, but then again he was with me for long periods of time and now even more. I couldn't believe that Knockout had actually stuck around this long, but it could do that he didn't want to bother with having to face Prime and asked to be reassigned. 

I started humming along to the music until one song came on that I hadn't heard in a while, knowing that it was many a year or two years old now. I remember reading about the inspiration and loving the story about one of the band members struggling with the idea of romance and wanting to be in a relationship and having a son he could talk to and parent. The song reminds me a lot of how I work with Dad and how he always checks in with me and wanted to be there for me in some way. 

The words came flowing out like snow falling from the sky on a winter day, knowing them by heart. And as much as I loved singing it, the repeated lines about finding his perfect partner reminded me of Mom and how in love her and Dad were. 

A single tear fell from my eyes, and there was no comments about anything. For once Knockout knew that I needed this moment to be happy, sad, hopeful and so many other things. 

The moment disappeared with the song, another one coming on and taking it's place. But the lyrics still rung in my head as another singer's voice took over the mostly silent car. It was almost peaceful, like the moments at the beach or at Blossom Vale, or even the ones where I was out on the boat with Dad, well without my screaming brothers in the background. 

"Hey Knock, I'm ready to go home." He didn't say anything, even when we pulled into the garage and he transformed after I got out, just smiled. He knew that we were home and that it was now a happy place for me. 

A/N: To anyone who can guess the song from this chapter, twenty points to your Hogwarts house! (Yes, yes, I like Harry Potter too.)

                  Your Ravenpuffle author,  Rayne 

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