Made Up Story

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"Are you sure we're at the right place?" Knock was right, this didn't seem like a place that Bee would make a base out of but, maybe he did.

"There is only one way to find out." There was a 'doorbell' next to the large gate that closed off the perimeter of what seemed to be an organized junk yard. There was no number or name on the entrance, making me question if this really was more than just a land fill or if I was about to get myself in to something I was going to regret. 

"Coming." It was a male voice, and they said something else that was muffled by the wind that was blowing today, creating a covenant blocker that created a natural cover for whatever was happening behind those gates.

The front gate side open slowly and Knock rolled us inside, probably on high alert for anything dangerous. It didn't look as bad as from the outside and there looked to be some useful thing here that could make several Cybertronian tech things.

"Hello. How can I help you?" The man had brown hair not only on his head but also all down his face and forming a mustache under his nose, the whole things framing his face nicely. And of course that was off put by the crazy red Hawaiian shirt decorated with red flowers that did not match the jean-colored work pants or the brown work boots that rested on his feet.

"I'm looking for the V-Vintage Salvage Depot for the D-Discriminating Nostalgist, is t-this it?" My words stuttered a little bit, show that I was a little more anxious than I had thought I would have been. This didn't happen often, only when I pushed myself, like right now.

"Yes. What can I help you with?" So this was place where Optimus has sent us, interesting choice Bee, interesting choice.

"My boss sent me to look for some c-cars. I work at a restoration business in Maine and we h-heard that there where some cars here that we would-d be able to restore for clients." This is what I had come up with on the long drive here, and I thought it would be the quickest way of looking for Autobots.

"Well, we have plenty of cars here. Let me show you around." I followed the man, putting out my hand behind my back to stop Knock from following me, wanting to be careful encase this was the wrong place.

There was a surprising amount of cars, some very beautiful looking ones, including a red car that reminded me of Knock but this one had what looked like some Asian language's characters on the side in a light red, but once I saw the yellow coloring I knew what car I wanted to 'look at'.

"I haven't see a car like t-this one in a while. A friend of mine had one v-very similar." I didn't know how much I was going to have to say before Bee transformed back, but I also didn't want to give away anything just yet. 

"Really?" The man, who I still didn't know the name of, seemed generally interested in what I had to say. 

"Yeah. He did an amazing job-b with the paint and we ended up naming the car BumbleBee because of it. But then he m-moved and the car couldn't go with him, so it's sitting s-somewhere waiting for a part of the motor to be fixed." As much as I wanted to seem normal by leaning on the car and touching it, I didn't want to put Bee in that kind of position, so I tried to convincingly look like I was touching the car door without actually touching the car door. 

"Did you fix up the car that you drive?" Either this man was just that oblivious or my hints just were that subtle and I don't think that it was the second one. 

"I did. With some help of c-course, but he's all fixed up now. We named him Knockout because he us-used to be a street racing car but he got b-busted up pretty bad and the owner d-decided to buy him and see if he could be fixed. Considering how much work I did, the boss lets me drive him around as my own car." 

"That's act-" His words were cut off by Bee transforming into his bot-form, finally showing himself. There had been some changes to his coloring, but I could still see the original designs of his signature colors, famous bee yellow with the classic black stripes.

"Hi Claire. Where's Knock?"

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