From Exams To Meteors

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We hiked back down the mountain, only seeing one group of hikers. When we heard them coming, Knock jumped into the woods, trying to blend in with his surroundings. I bent down to tie my shoe, smiling as the couple pasted, hoping they didn't wonder who I had been talking to or why there were large tracks on the path behind me.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Knockout emerged from the woods, pulling a few stray leaves from his shoulders. I laughed a little, knowing that I would get an earful about this later. But, we continued on walking.

"Blossom Vale or the beach?" Knockout knew what I needed, and what I was avoiding.

"Blossom Vale, it won't be as crowded." And we drove, the music loud enough to block the thoughts that wanted to invade my mind.

I was right, Blossom Vale was empty. I remembered people always coming in the spring, when the flowers were blooming and the trees were full of leaves. Some people also liked coming in fall, seeing all the changing leaves. There wasn't a point at coming to this beach when there was a better one ten minutes away. It also was about the hottest the day was going to get, so sitting out in the sun wasn't the ideal thing to do.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" He knew what he wanted to talk about, but Knock was being polite. I think some of those manner correcting classes I gave him and several others were sinking in, a little.

"Maybe the fact that I slept 14 hours. Even after exams I didn't sleep that long." I started laughing, and was happy to hear that Knockout joined in.

"You were always a disaster after exams. I remember that one time you nearly ran out of the room when the exam ended, I almost started laughing. It was so funny." I'm glad the conversation is light hearted, I wasn't really up for something heavier, not yet.

"Can you blame me? Exams are the worst." I fall back dramatically onto the back of my seat. I had decided to stay in my seat as try to cool down a little before going back outside.

"If they're anything like missions, especially with the crazy ones, than I get it. Why I had to go on them, I don't know." Oh goodness, missions, those were Prime's form of exams for sure.

We talked more about some of the missions we had gone on and compared it to the exams I had taken, seeing some similarity. It was fun to think about the crazy times when we were at war, but also the aftermath and having to deal with the mess it all made. Either way we laughed through it, only wanting to remember the good things.

"As much as I love talking about this, we should talk about yesterday." While Knockout made a good point, I still let out a noise if disagreement, kind of sounding like an exasperated growl.

"I know you don't want to talk about it, but we kinda need to. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for leaving you in a situation like that. I never meant to cause you any harm and when you were talking to me, I was trying to reply but nothing was happening. I hated watching and not being able to help, but I think having at least one person in your family know about your anxiety is a good thing. I would have never wanted them to learn like that, but that's how it happened and there is no changing that. Once again, I'm sorry for scaring you and for causing you unnecessary worry."

I was smiling and could feel my heart filling with all the love and care that Knockout had just expressed towards me. My reply was simple, "Of course I forgive you. And I'm kind of glad that my dad know about my anxiety. Thank you for apologizing Knock."

If he wasn't in his car form I'm pretty sure that Knock would have been blushing and slightly flustered, but in this form he could take a second to compose himself and not have to show that side of him.

We continued on like that piece of the conversation hadn't happened, or at least mostly. There were small things brought up that pointed back to the events of last night and what happened. I ended up telling Knockout about what we did with the small piece of the meteor and how this had happened before. I still had to get the full story out of someone soon, I think Cody would tell it best.

Eventually we drove back to the Fire House and I went upstairs for dinner, leaving Knock to do whatever he wanted, as long as it wasn't getting into trouble, like normal.

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