Dealing With Trouble

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I woke up early, knowing I had to beat everyone downstairs in order to deal with whatever happened last night. I had sent a message to Miko asking for a picture of all of us, saying I wanted to frame it for my room, but I really just needed it as proof, just in case.

I pulled out my normal clothing, a nice white shirt and a pair of black leggings, this pair having small mesh stripes on the outside of the legs. I quickly did my hair, making sure the braid looked good before pulling the rest back. The final pieces were a green jacket, the color looking good with my green tinted eyes. Then there was a necklace, one that Dad had given me the day I left for university. It's the outlining of a humming bird in gold, making it simple but also elegant.

I looked at myself in the mirror, smiling when I see the girl I had become. It had taken sometime to stop wearing hoodies and stop worrying about what other would think, but I did and I now I was happier with myself. There were still days that I started to worry about what others thought about me, but I had Knockout to remind me that what others think doesn't matter.

I rush down the stairs and slide down the fire pole, landing swiftly. Looking around I saw that everything was the way I had left it last night.

"Let's talk boys." I said while walking over to Knockout. I smiled when he held out a hand so I could sit on his shoulder.

The rest of the mechs came over, some much more energetic than other, one was obviously a morning person while the others not so much.

"Anyone have any questions of either of us?" I was try to keep calm, and Knockout's tense energy was not helping at all.

"Why are you here?" It was the red mech again. He seemed to be the leader of the team, actually I think Prime said that they were called Rescue Force Sigma 17 before the war.

"I finished university and have taken a job here on Griffin Rock, my home." I hadn't told anyone about the job I had gotten yet, and I could tell that Knock was going to celebrate with me later.

"And I was assigned to be her protector by Optimus Prime, so I go where she goes." I smile at that, knowing that Knockout had started becoming more protective of me recently.

"Understood. Welcome to Griffin Rock. I'm Heatwave. This is Blades, Bolder, and Chase." The red mech, Heatwave, pointed in turn to the orange, green, and blue mechs standing behind him.

"Nice to meet you all. Do your handlers know about your secret?" I was asking the questions Fowler had taught me to ask when I first joined the mission.

"Yes, they all know." It was what I needed to know, it seemed that it was time to have an interesting conversation with my family.

A/N: I just wanted to say thank you for the views. I never thought that anyone would read something I wrote, at least something like this. Thank you so much, all of you for making my day!
Bye! ~ Rayne

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