Late Night Call

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After meeting the team, Denny was kind enough to set up a make-shift room for me. It was nothing fancy, the room set up in an old Volkswagen camping van that had seen better days, but it would work for the time being. This was of course after I repeatedly offered to stay at a hotel over the river in Crown City, but Denny insisted that I could stay here.

The inside looked like there had been a small dining area and what looked like could have been space for food storage, but it hadn't been restored yet. The sleeping area had two bunks, the larger one on the bottom, where Denny had set an air mattress and some spar sheets. He had also set up a power cord with a few fans if it got to hot, but I don't think I would need them.

It was nice having a little place of my own, having lived with friends in dorms for the past several years, even if it was only for a little while. Knock also promised that he wouldn't get into any trouble when I wasn't around, and for once I didn't doubt him.

Strongarm, the team's solo fem, had intimidated Knockout a little too much, not that I minded that. She knew she would be able to keep him in his place when I wasn't there, meaning I could relax a little.

The thought lulled me to sleep eventually, after a good deal of tossing and turning around. New places were always hard to fall asleep in for me, even after living away from home for a few years, it was still hard to adjust

I sat up quickly, trying to catch my breath and take in my darkened surroundings. It took me a minute to remember where I was: With Knock on a mission with Bee's new team, not on the island anymore.

My hand seemed to move on it's own, reaching for my phone before my thoughts could catch up with my actions. When I found it, I drew it close to me, just holding it bringing a level of comfort to my racing mind.

Looking and seeing that it was about 2:25 in the morning, I thought about what I was about to do, knowing the impact it might have. It was only an hour difference in time zones, but I didn't know how long I would be on the phone and how it would go.

'Ring... Ring... Ring'. The dial tone coming from my phone scared me, not having consciously made the decision to push the call button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey honey, everything okay?" Almost all of the fear in my bones melted away at the sound of my dad's voice through my phone, being just the thing I needed.

"Yeah, just a nightmare. How is everyone there?" I rolled my bottom lip between my teeth, nervous to hear what had happened and if any part of my nightmare was true.

"Good, everyone is doing good. Cody misses you already, but the bots keep him entertained enough. I'm making Kade get some more food for the house tomorrow since he ate most of what used to be here. Dani did her usual and went out for dinner tonight with Taylor. And Gram had some classes today and was up at the Greenes' working on a project with them."

"What about you? What did you do today, Dad?" I smiled playfully, my words matching my hidden smile.

"Well, I was on dispatch for most of the day, getting some small calls that I could take care of without any help. I made dinner tonight, a rice dish with eggs, peas and scallions. Of course, there are no left overs because I know that Kade ate what I put in the fridge about two hours ago." We both laughed, knowing Kade's eating habits a little too well.

"You will have to make it again when I get home, it sounds amazing." I was finally calm, not even thinking about the nightmare, but about my crazy family.

"What about you? Did everything go alright with BumbleBee?" The conversation was coming back around to me, and this was the part I knew that was more for Dad than me.

"Yeah. He's got himself a team, none of them are very experienced but they're getting there. The story of meeting some of them is pretty fun and is totally going to be used as blackmail against Knock," I was laughing by the end of that statement, remembering the events of earlier today.

"I can't wait to hear it. Are you staying at a hotel?" The concern in his voice was evident, like I was still a college freshman going out into the world for the first time.

"No actually. The family that is hosting Bee's team, Denny and his son, Russel, helped arrange a place for me to stay in the base. They fixed up an old Volkswagen camping van so that I could temporarily stay in it. Very sweet of them to do so, even after I offered to stay in a hotel."

"That is sweet of them. I should get going, I'll call you tomorrow at some point. Good night sweetheart, sleep well." I could hear the sleep in my dad's voice, the day having worn him out.

"Night Dad. Thanks for the talk." I was smiling sweetly as I held my phone up to my ear, wishing I could give him a hug.

"Anytime, love you." His voice was starting to fade out, seeing as he was falling back asleep slowly.

"Love you too." And with that I hung up, feeling sleep pulling me once again.

Even thought a nightmare woke me up, that doesn't mean that it would keep me up until sunrise. My secret weapon was always willing to help me out and I couldn't be anymore thankful for my dad. I'll send a text to Cody in the morning to give him a hug for me, something I know both of them will greatly enjoy.

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