Medical Attention

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Claire's P.O.V.

Russel and I unloaded the needed medical supplies in the main area of the base. We had picked up a spot where any of the bots could sit semi-normally, but I also could reach the places I might need to.

The sound of car engines startled me out of my numbing trans. Back at the old base there was always a warning before the team came back. Of course there was, they had to ground bridge back, much more work than just driving back.

"Welcome back! How was the mission?" Fix-it jumped right into conversation with Bee as the last of the team pulled into the main area.

"It went well. Thank you, Fix-it. Sideswipe, grab Void and help me put him in a pod. Strongarm and Grim, have Claire and Knock take a look at your cuts."

Everyone moved quietly to do their assigned task, a well-oiled machine that could run on it's programming. Well, almost everyone. Knock stood looking around, not knowing exactly what to do since he was used to jumping right into an medical emergency as soon as the mission ended, but that was not the case here.

"Let's take a look at those cuts. Okay?" I spoke before Knockout could, knowing that he was still floating around, trying to figure out how to adjust.

Strongarm walked over confidently, matching every aspect of her personality so far, while Grimlock uncharacteristically waddled over shyly his tail hiding near his legs. He was scared; poor little thing.

"Can you show me where the cut is?" Strongarm sat down first and I started the basic exam I was used to giving as Rachet and Knock figured out the more complex injures.

A small cut across her torso was revealed as Strongarm lifted her arm up and out of the way. The cut was not to deep, but I could see little bits of dirt and dust already settling inside where the healing would start, so I would have to clean it now and maybe tomorrow to be careful. Considering the area it was in, there likely less chance of infection because of the lack of exposure the area normally gets.

"A quick cleaning should do the trick, but I want to look at it tomorrow as well to make sure that nothing has become infected." The words echoed through the air as I walked towards the cleaning supplies Russel had laid out.


Strongarm was very professional as I cleaned her wound, not wincing or whining. She kept a straight face for as long as she could, only shifting a small bit when the cloth coated with cleaning solution landed on the edge of the scratch. I would tell that she wanted to look strong for her team. It must have been a lot to be so young, inexperience and then be the only fem on a team. Arcee had Miko at the start and then I joined, never mind all the experience she had. 

"You're all set. I'll check it again tomorrow, but it should be just fine." To my comment, I got a thankful smile before Strongarm went off to do something, probably help the boys with the status pod.

"Is it gonna' hurt?" Grimlock had come up to where Strongarm had been only moments before. Despite his great size and tough guy attitude, Grim seemed so much softer when he was comfortable with those around him.

Knock came to my side, offering me one of his hands so I could get a better look at Grim's injury. As I moved close, I noticed the pieces of shrapnel within the three large cuts that decorated the dinobot's tail. 

"Can I have some tweezers please?" 

"Wait?! Is it gonna' hurt?!" Grim shifted uncomfortably where he was sitting, noticeable trying to move away from where I was positioned. His tail started to curl and I knew that the scratches would disappear quickly if I didn't stop it. 

"Only a little. You're doing great Grim." I carefully put a hand on the shivering mech's leg, attempting to calm him.

"I forgot how nice about this you are." The comment caused me to turn, sticking my tongue out at my unhelpful partner. 


"All done Grimlock. You did so good!" I started rubbing the area on his tail with the cleaning solution as Grim took his time to process what happened. 

Once, his tail was wrapped in white bandages, the dinobot seemed much happier. He leaded close to me, letting me climb onto his upper back and took me for a ride. Grimlock had done so well and was so happy about it all being finished that I let him gallivant around with me on his back. 

Knockout minded very much that I was allowing someone else to drive me around. It has been sweet watching him become more and more protective of me over time. We really had grown closer. 

"Thanks for the ride Grimlock. Come see me tomorrow so I can change the bandages for you." By the time Grim had finished with his celebratory stomp around, Knock had almost finished repacking the med kit for me.

"Okay. Bye!" The sounds of happy stomps fade off as Grim went to do whatever Bee's team does with their free time.

We finished packing the kit in silence, placing the now refilled box near the command center's counsel so it could be used tomorrow. Knock had yet to say anything and the role reversal was strange to feel.

"You wanna talk about it?" Very rarely was it me asking that question. It felt good to be checking on someone who cared so much about me. 

"He scratched my finish with those stupid swords. Stupid swords, stupid speech, stupid mech. I did not miss him." Venom smothered the words. The history between those two must have been deeper than I realized if there was this much of a reaction. 

"Well, he'll never bother you again. Besides, who needs the past when the future is ahead of us? And the future holds an appointment to get your finish fixed."

Laughter filled the air as we walked away from the command counsel. 

Not too far away, in the forest, under heavy tree cover...

"Sir,  Void has been captured, but we now know the whereabouts of the traitor Knockout. We await your instruction."

"Good work. Keep an close eye on him; Knockout could be of value to us."

"Understood sir."

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