Preparing for the Robo-Baby

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"Are you sure you want to do this Claire? This could be a huge mistake and I could end up having to take care of you and the baby-robot-thing." Knockout was so sweet and I knew his concern was genuine, but I knew that I had to do this, not only for me, but also to prove something to those around me, for some reason. 

"Yeah. I mean why not do something that's not gonna kill me." I knew that he was gonna find the true meaning behind that statement because I had said it too many times when I ended up passing out or breathing heavily. Fighting an alien war is hard and sometimes there is no avoiding what comes with it, unfortunately. 

"It won't kill you, but it might but almost kill you." Knock's words were the same he had said to me so many times, most of those before we left the base to go do some crazy stupid thing, and I still did them anyway, so he had to know how this would turn out by now.

"So what." I moved from the platform that had lowered us down to the bunker and towards the basket that Cody had mentioned that held blankets and extra pillows, mostly used for movie nights.

"You can be so stubborn sometimes." Knock moves towards the couch, following me with a step for every twenty of mine. Yet, I was smiling, knowing he was shaking his head while trying to hold back laughter. 

"What else am I gonna be? I gotta deal with you and your sass all day." This made both of us start laughing because it sounded just like the things I would say when I first meet him and everyone else. I guess spending most of my time with Arcee and Miko had rubbed off on me and I was able to switch out this side of me so easily when I felt safe. 

I set up a little area around the couch, blankets covering the floor and pillows lining the perimeter and the floor below the edge of the couch. I also pulled some short picture books from the massive bookshelves and was able to find a few old toys hidden in baskets and drawers. I also made sure that Knock could sit down because I wasn't doing this alone. 

"Looks good, Claire." Dad walked out of the elevator, turning the corner to see me setting out the last of the second layer of blankets, and came over to hug me. 

"Thanks, Dad. I'm gonna go get the little one and should be back here soon." I could practically hear Knockout's silent, mental groan and his answer was an eye roll back. 

But, he still transformed and allowed me to 'drive' him back up the mountain to the Greenes', with minimal verbal argument. Knock was surprisingly quiet and I didn't know what that was about, but I took the opportunity to turn the music up and sing lightly to myself, filling the almost-silence. 

When we got there, I wasn't scared of Trex, mostly, and I smiled as I entered the garage laboratory. Doc was ready for me and I could tell by the giggling sounds of a little one that I could hear as soon as I walked in, thinking of all the times I had babysat for Cody and other family friends kids. I also started to worry because it had been a while since I had done this, but at least I had Knock by my side, no matter how much he complained, I knew he was excited to learn about this piece of Earth's culture and human evolution. I mean his is a Cybertronian doctor after all, and learning new things is always fun. 

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