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Quick summary: Dani and Chief helped Claire through her anxiety attack. Blades is also present, but didn't know how to help. Knockout no longer has the ability to speak or move on his own. Chief expresses that he knew about Claire's anxiety from a young age, taking hints from the past and seeing her current patterns. Now two members of her family know about her anxiety, but Knockout still needs help.

We stood up and I hugged my dad tight. He held onto me, and I could feel the last piece of worry fall away, I really was okay, for the first time in a while.

I wanted to stay there, but Knock wasn't talking and the fact that he couldn't move was something I needed to tell Dad about.

"I need your help." I whispered into his ear, still wanting to stay like we were.

"Anything. I'm always here for you." I have an amazing dad, no doubt. Pulling back and walking back over to Knock, I start explaining.

"While we were out at Blossom Vale, an astroid came and we decided to investigate. I guess it wasn't such a good idea because something happened and I don't know what's going on but Knock can't move or talk." It was weird to talk about this and not feel the pressure on my heart, I guess that family could cure somethings.

"That sounds like what happened when that meteor landed on Wayward Island. What did it look like?" Blades jumped in the conversation, scaring me a little because I forgot he was here.
"Dark grey color, some veins of yellow and what looked like green smoke coming off of it." I now wish I had taken a photo of it, but I didn't think about that at the time.

"How about we go see if it's still there, and get rid of it like the last one." Dad was standing beside me, and I could feel the tension of his worry, there was something they weren't telling me.

"What do you mean 'like the last one'?" Had something like this happened before? Was there a way to help Knockout?

"This happened once before, and we had help. There is a way to cure Knockout, but I want to make sure that it's the same." That makes since, but I wish that logic wasn't the answer.

"Okay." I knew the disappointment showed in my words a little, but I hoped it wasn't too much.

After letting Graham know what was happening, myself, Dad and Graham drove out in Bolder and Chase to test the rock. We were lucky that the technology that we needed was small enough to fit within the two vehicles.

"The sample is identical, so we can use the same treatment as last time." Graham's news made me smiles a little bit, happy that my best friend will be okay.

"Then let's go cure Knockout." I raced myself back to Chase, leaving my dad and brother to do away with the 'dangerous space rock'.

All I could think about was helping Knockout, I was making progress, and a good amount of it.

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