News of an Old Friend

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I thought that dinner would be uneventful, and I was kind of right, maybe. I guess everything is always a little crazy around the Burns' house, but what else should I have expected.

"What did you do this afternoon?" The question was directed at me, but it seemed that it was also was an open invitation for the whole table.

"I was out with Hayley again. We went to the beach for a little while, than she manages to convinced me to help her clean out some of her classroom for the summer. I thought teachers just left their stuff in their classrooms all summer, but I guess not."

"They can't. Most schools ask for most of the teacher's personal or non-school provided objects to be removed so the school can be cleaned and repaired or updated during the summer. Also, I still can't believe you're dating Hayley."

"Why? She thinks I'm sweet and heroic." I tried not to laugh, I really did, but I think it was oblivious what I was trying to not do.

"I went to the Greene's and you'll never guess what they took out of storage." Thank goodness for Cody's fearless and unusually extroverted self because I was over my head with that one. 

"What did Doc find?" Dad was always trying to keep everyone in line and it seemed to work, for now. It did seem to spark everyone's interest though, probably because the Greenes is the singularly most crazy household on the whole island, maybe in the whole state. 

"Robo-baby!" What in the world was that? Well, whatever it was something that everyone else knew about because Kade started half laughing, half choking on his food, Dad was shaking his head and Dani was laughing with a huge smile on her face. Of course, Graham nodded, smiling a little bit, but returned to his blue prints quietly.

"I sure hope that Doc isn't planning to have you and Frankie watch that thing again. And if he is, I would like video of it this time." Dani was able to speak through her laughter and it only made me want the story more.

"What did you do Cody?" I didn't want to seem totally oblivious, so I made the words more playful to hide the fear. I think that Dad saw through my act, giving me a little smile of encouragement. 

"Nothing too bad. The deal was that if I could look after Robo-baby for a day, then I could test drive something for Doc. I had the bots help and it turned out that Heatwave does have a soft side after all, not that he wanted any of us to know that. When Doc saw the data I was able to collect, he was impressed and let me be the test driver rather than Kade." Cody explanation came between laughs and breaths of air that everyone could hear.

"What? Heatwave has a soft side. I am so using that against him." That caused more laughter, and I was glad that I was still able to make my family happy. This helped sooth some of the last worries that had been swirling around in my brain, and I started feeling calm around my family, like I had never left.

The night went on, and I was able to share about my hike with Knockout, everyone laughing when I told them about him having to hide in the woods while that couple passed us. I'm sure that Knock was checking his paint to make sure he had no scratches and if he did, then I would definitely hear about it.

Everything was so much better than I had imagined and it was only day three home, I can't wait to see what else happens while I'm here. I already knew it would be crazy, but I didn't know how crazy, yet.

A/N: Sorry this took so long to write. I have been traveling with family and we recently got a puppy, so it's kinda crazy around here. If you have any ideas for future chapters please feel free to leave them in the comments or send them to me in a message. And, once again, thank you for reading! 

   ~ Rayne

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