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Nice ♛

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The evening before the second task Dumbledore had requested to see Bambi. After finishing writing her letter to Billy, updating him on the state of her mysterious necklace, she headed up, now knowing the exact route. Finally, she knew she had to tell someone in her family about everything going on, Billy would understand. And he did, writing back and force with a million questions and possible answers to her own. It helped to know someone else supported her. Arriving at Dumbledore office door, she knocked twice before the door opened wide.

"Ah Miss Winters," he said, placing his large book down onto the oak table. "I see you got my note."

Nodding, she sat down in front of him. His office was warm and mounted hundreds of portraits all staring back down at her. When ever she had meetings with Dumbledore she always found it annoying that the people in the portraits listened in while gossiping. It then shocked her when Dumbledore demanded them to leave them alone. Now a eerily quite aurora surrounded them. Worry striking within her.

He stroked the ends of his long white beard, "I have been speaking to your mother and she believed she may have found a lead on the crystal, but she has to confirm her suspicion first.' She already knew this. He paused, watching her. "I asked her if she would like you to know more about her."

Silence. Not within the room but inside her body. Her heart stopped beating, while here breathing completely stilled. The lump in the back of her throat she was feeling before, vanished. This is not what she expected. Noticing her silence, Dumbledore watched attempting to read her. She gave no response. Taking that as a yes he continued. "Well," his smile was comforting, "Your mother's name is Rose Heart. She was a bright young student in Gryffindor house," Bambi raised her eyebrows which receive a chuckle. "Yes your mother was a Gryffindor, as well as your father."

Pausing, he smile falter ever so slightly, watching as Bambi face dropped from its grin. Her father. Dumbledore had just mentioned her father to her. Within their conversation across the year, her father was never brought up. Of course she thought have the prospect of him. Was he alive? Was her Mother and him still together? She knew Dumbledore avoided the subject, hiding it from her. Not wanting to pry further into information he was already risking, she waited... until now. Whether Dumbledore had meant to bring him up she didn't know. What she did know was, he wasn't going to tell her a lot. So she merely asked one question, 'Is he alive?"

Seeming to be carefully manoeuvring around the conversation, Dumbledore nodded. That was it. Bambi felt as if she was falling down a deep black hole. Around her the walls were closing in together. How was she to cope. Years she went thinking her parents had simply not wanted her, but here they were coming back into her life. She could feel the tears swelling within her. Snuffling at her nose, she looked.

"They did not abandon you, Bambi," his voice was tranquil, "what they did was for the greater good. It is not my place to tell you, but -" A sparkle lit in her eyes. "Rose will want to tell you herself. When you meet." As if the words had brought her back to life, her heart began thumping louder and louder. The beat ringing throughout, tingling. Slowly, a smile graced her face, gleeful at him. Bambi would have ran up the walls.

"I'm going to meet her?"

Dumbledore own eyes held a sparkle and joyful stare, 'Yes, soon but it will happened, you have my word." Bowing his head slightly, reassuring her. Any moment she would break into happy dance or tears. Not wanting to wait anymore to tell her friends, Dumbledore dismissed her, cheerfully. Before she could race out the door, she turned smirking slightly. "Gryffindor eh, It's going to be one hell of shock for them" And off she went, the bright yellow tie swinging from her neck.

She could of bounce of the walls the way Bambi was walking - racing, down the halls. Unfortunately, for one small Ravenclaw first year, they were in the cross fire of her sprint. Books had gone flying while her screams of sorry echoed across. Last she knew Frankie and Stevie was in the Library studying for an upcoming assessment, so that's where she headed. Almost skipping in, she observed the room, no sight of the two. But there tucked away in the corner was Hermione waving her over, standing with Harry and Ron.

Hermione had a stack of books pilled up either side of her, and one large one spread across the table. "Olde and forgotten bewitchments and charmes? What you reading that for? Is there a test I don't know about?"

Ron's head had shot up at the mention of a test, but Hermione merely shook her head. 'No, we're trying to find a spell that might help Harry in the second task" Right, she thought. Harry had filled her in only the day before about what the egg had told him. She was shocked to hear Cedric had known first, but pushed the thought away. She looked over Hermione shoulder to Harry deep into a book, pulling at his hair. Hermione noticing her gaze nudged him. Turning around, he gave them all perplex stare. "It's not like they're going to set an undoable task?"

Her attempt of reassurance failed as Ron laughed, 'They have. Just go down to the lake tomorrow, right, sick you head in, yell to there merpeople to give whatever they've nicked and see if they chuck it out. Best you can do, mate" Bambi chuckled along with him as Hermione hit him with a book, a rather large one.

Just as she was sitting down, moving away a bunch of books as she went, Fred and George Weasley sat up from a far table where the same girl she seen the by the goblet of fire was. Hurrying over, they sat smothering Ron who pushed them away. "What are you two doing here?"

"Looking for you" George replied, "McGonagall wants you, Ron and you, Hermione"

Hermione looked up surprised, "Why?"

"Dunno, she looked a bit ... grim, though" said Fred.

"We're suppose to take you down to the office" said George

Hermione and Ron turned to Harry who eyes showed worry. Reassuring him they would help him later on, they hurried out with the twins, leaving the two alone. She watched as Harry shuffled through a large pile of books to his left, "there's no hope, say your goodbyes now because tomorrow I die."

Picking up a book, where dust flew across the air, she turned to him, "Awe, who would nearly get me into the trouble all the time then?" A small laugh. Success. "Look, your going to drive yourself mad if you stare at these book any longer. Hermione had to be right they not going to let you die out there."

Sighing he nodded, pushing away the book on the desk. "I suppose you're right. Anyways, why are you here didn't you have a meeting with Dumbledore?" He whispered the last part.

A smile returned to her face. Joy bouncing around her. Scooting her chair closer, She whispered everything that had happened. Throughout, Harry expressed his emotions, opening and closing his mouth as he did. Finding out they were Gryffindors sent great pride in him, taunting it to her, which made her laugh. Although, the laugh was cut short when the conversation turned more blue. Admitting that Dumbledore told her what her parents did was for the best, but how could it ever be. Harry comforted her, awkwardly wrapping a stilled arm around her. As uncomfortable it was, she was grateful for his support. Easing her further, he joked around with her once more.

"Just think back to the Yule ball, eh. I was stumbling across the entire dance floor" they laughed together before being hushed by an Ravenclaw. They hadn't mentioned what happened that night ever since. That didn't stop her thinking about it thought... every time she saw him. The kiss still sent shivers down her spine at just the thought.

Harry noticed too the sudden awkwardness surrounding them. "I - er," it was as if his words were glued tightly shut, 'That night, it was - er"

"Fun," Bambi ended, turning red. Harry nodded, avoiding her gaze.

"Yh... fun. Look I've been wondering... that kiss," he swallowed, "Did - did you - er, like it?"

She was matched the crimson spine of the book in front of her at this point. She loved that kiss. Wanted more in fact. The only thing in her way was that she didn't know how to talk about it. So she massively regrets how she responded, "It was nice"


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