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"HE'S MAD!" Stevie exclaimed as she, Bambi, Frankie and Cedric sat around an oak table towards the side of the Hufflepuff common room

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"HE'S MAD!" Stevie exclaimed as she, Bambi, Frankie and Cedric sat around an oak table towards the side of the Hufflepuff common room. October was nearing an end and November was on the rise. A month that held Halloween would also see the arrival of Beauxbaton and Durmstrang and Bambi herself was excited. Her curiosity held much interest in what this year would hold for them.

Lessons had passed by with the whisper of a single breeze. With their owls nearing, all the teachers pushed the students to their limits, but there was one who was pushing the boundaries with all his classes: Professor Moody. Bambi had been curious what the new professor would have installed when she walked in. Although, she never expected the class to be struck into silence over the shock when the Professor began to talk about the Unforgivable Curses.

It had only been hours after Professor Moody had told their class today involved them undergoing the Imperius curse. Just Exhilarating. Embarrassment was the key to Stevie's outrage. When her turn had approached with much anticipation Stevie wasn't expecting the Professor to start asking her to ask to impersonate a chicken. Having no control over herself, lead to her running around the class, making rather loud chicken squawks and flapping her arms at her side.

Bambi had not been able to contain her laughter as they walked into the common room, "He's mad funny," she snickered, sitting next to Cedric who had tried to contain his laughter too after hearing the story. Frankie was furious he missed it all.

A scowl crossed Stevie's face, "Bambi!"


Huffing, she back into the couch, crossing her arms over her chest.  "Just because you were able to control yourself"

The two boys stopped their laughing now turning to face Bambi, "How?" Cedric asked.

Stevie jumped at the chance to explain, "Bambi here, was able to stop the curse from affecting her when Professor Moody asked her to write something humiliating about anyone in the room. She only raised her arm and chalk to the board."

Franked fully turned to her with shock, "Bloody hell."

Shrugging her shoulders, Bambi pulled a face, "It just happened. Stevie should be glad I was able to stop because I probably would have written something about her."

Soon enough everyone was leaving to greet the two schools And once they arrived, professor Sprout guided the Hufflepuff's behind the row of Gryffindor's, who already stood waiting patiently. It just so happened that they stood right behind Bambi's younger siblings: the triplets.

Before she could say hello, her eyes fell onto the familiar sight of Dungbombs presented in each of their hands. Nudging Stevie, who had nudged Cedric and then Frankie, they all caught on. Counting down from three, they all dived for a triplet, gripping their underarms.

"Hey!" They Screeched, drawing attention around them. Onlookers looked away after one glare from Stevie.

Holding them steady, Bambi faced the pranksters, "What were you thinking!?"

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