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"BLOODY HELL" Bambi moaned, rubbing at her head while pushing herself up. The person on top of her groaned before hurrying to stand. Opening her eyes, she was ready to lash out. But she didn't. Instead, Bambi began to look around the entire corridor in a frantic panic.

"Where did it go?" Her voice was hurried.

"Emm, where did what go?" Harry asked as he watched Bambi with confusion, he too rubbing his head.

"The - the light, glow thing! I don't know!" she yelled, arms flailing. Only moments before Harry ran into her a bright glow was admitting right from her necklace and now it was gone. Completely vanished and she was left stunned and with a newly founded bump on her head.

"Oh, that," Harry said as he scratched the crook of his neck feeling the moment incredibly awkward suddenly. "Must have been the sun moving away from a cloud and its light bounced off the windo - ."

"No. Dumbledore was standing there and –"

"Dumbledore?" Harry's head perked up, confused.

"Yes, that what I said isn't it?" Bambi mumbled, "It's happened twice now"

Harry wasn't sure what on earth was happening. He was on his way back to the Gryffindor common room when suddenly he was blinded by a bright light which caused him to run straight into Bambi. "What's happened twice?"

In that moment Bambi was in a complete daze and filled with confusion. One moment her necklace was burning against her chest and was glowing then the next it wasn't. When she reached down to grasp the crystal in-between her fingers Bambi felt a sudden wash of reality cross over her and she remembered Harry standing in front of her. "Nothing, I'm sorry you must be thinking I'm sounding crazy."

"Right now, this seems normal," he sighed, and Bambi realized he was talking about the entire tournament.

"I'm sorry," she voiced almost in a whisper. When the memory of the entire tournament went into her mind the whole argument with Ernie came along with it. Truthfully, Bambi had no idea why she picked an argument with Ernie. When she pulled out that badge raged had coursed through her like a stream and when he tested her own loyalties it was the flame to a candle.

"Oh, I think it was me that ran into you, so you don't need to apologies" Harry had begun, picking up his things.

Bambi bent down too helping him, "No, I mean I'm sorry for this whole Triwizard tournament thing. I mean its hard not to notice but every year you and your friends seem to end up in some sort of crazy mission. I suppose you just want a normal year."

Harry had begun shaking his head keeping his head down, "You have no idea. I never wanted to be in this tournament. That whole school was wishing for your friend Cedric and here I come and destroy everything. Even my own best friend doesn't believe I didn't place my name in."

Bambi frowned while she began to walk with Harry right beside her. Being focused on what Harry was saying, caused Bambi not to even think a second about who she was talking too. The two had shared many classes throughout their years at Hogwarts and never once had exchanged a single word. And now look at them. Walking back the way she was directly going, sharing an almost deep conversation.

"Your friend Ron?" Harry nodded, "surely he would know you well enough to know you wouldn't want to enter?"

Harry simply shrugged his shoulder while his eyes trailed to the floor. Bambi was feeling the awkwardness seep in after the conversation died out and she really wished she could escape back to her dorm and eat her muffin (If Stevie hadn't eaten it already). But the gods must have been granting wishes as they came upon the route down to the Hufflepuff common room.

Bambi stopped and so did Harry when he realised. "I best be going back to my common room. My friends Stevie and Frankie will be sobbing in a corner if I'm away too long."

"Oh right, okay." Harry nodded quickly while also backing away, "well, thank you for the talk and yeah."

"Yeah," Bambi nodded too while holding a small smile on her lips. They stood there for a couple of second and it was apparent that the awkwardness had taken control. "well, err, bye."

"Yeah, bye." Harry gave Bambi one final nod before turning around and heading towards the Gryffindor common room. But, before either of the two could round the corner and disappear from sight Harry stopped and turned around just in time to catch Bambi, "wait!" Bambi turned around with her eyebrows frowned. "This is going to sound weird and stupid but I – er - don't know your name and well –"

"Bambi," she smiled cutting him off, "It's Bambi." And as she turned back around and disappeared from sight Harry frowned looked down at the floor. Where had he heard that name before?

"Stevie, Frankie, Stevie, Frankie!" Frankie's notepad went flying, his hands returning to his heart.

"Bambi, Bambi, Bambi!" Stevie repeated in the most annoying way possible. After eating the whole four pack of muffins her mum had sent her Stevie was prepare for her daily nap. Tucked in and partly full Stevie was drifting into a sleep before there was Bambi jumping onto the sofa.

Picking up Frankie notepad, she smiled apologetically, "it happened. It happened again."

Stevie stretched and rubbed her hands across the sides of her face, "Bambi, I'm no seer. I can't see your mind so maybe you should elaborate on what actually happened."

Bambi rolled her eyes and pushed Stevie legs over, "My necklace, it glowed again."

"Again?" They coursed.

"Yes, and Dumbledore saw it to and I thought he was going to confiscate it, believing its cursed or something but he didn't. You know what he did? He winked at me before disappearing. Them Harry ran into me before of the light."

Stevie snorted from beside Bambi and she turned to her with a questioning look, "what?"

"Dumbledore, winking sounds to me he was flirting with you" she snorted again.

Bambi and Frankie face wrinkled in disgust, "Eww, Stevie how can you even think about that?" Frankie grimaced.

Pulling a face and shrugging her shoulder Stevie grinned, "Dad dropped me when I was born. It's the only rational explanation."

"Whatever you creep. Anyway," Bambi turned to face her raising her eyebrows, "where's my muffin? It's all I've been thinking about walking up here."

"Yeah, about that." Stevie cringe, "after I ate the other three muffin number four looked lonely and you know I'm such a caring person I had to place it back with his family."

"So, what your saying is that you ate my muffin and it's in your stomach?"

"I wouldn't say it's in my stomach... Move out the way, Stevie needs a bathroom break!"

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