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THE DAY after the champions were chosen the school was sent into a buzz. Beauxbaton and Durmstrang were considered as the most celebrated bunch of the night. After all, they didn't have one of their own competing against them. One more contestant didn't seem to faze them. Slytherin and Ravenclaw were disappointed that one of their own had not been selected, but it was nothing compared to the Hufflepuff's as the night wore on.

Once Cedric arrived back at the Hufflepuff common room the yellow banners and confetti was all around. It was a celebration meant for one. Hufflepuff was meant to have the moment of victory and celebrations finally, but only above them was the Gryffindor's celebrating their own.

It left Stevie very ticked off.  As a proud Hufflepuff with an inner badger her raged wore on throughout the night, complaining to anyone who would hear her, which was a majority of Hufflepuff. Although, Bambi, Cedric and Frankie seemed to be the only one who disagreed. Cedric had been there when Harry entered the trophy room. The way Cedric had described could only be due to utter shock. It left only one conclusion which Bambi felt sure of. He hadn't entered himself.

While Stevie rampaged throughout the night, Frankie chasing her and Cedric celebrating, Bambi sat confused. The night had taken a turn for what could only be the worse. A boy who she had shared classes with since first year always seemed to gain into some sort of trouble, every year. To then having her one belonging of her past begin to show a luminous glow. She called already feel the migraine coming on.

The next day, matters only seemed to take a turn for a worse in the morning when all the Hufflepuff sat at the table with the Gryffindor's next to them. If looks could kill, when Harry entered the great hall he's dead was dead in a second. He had ended up sitting with his back facing away from the Hufflepuff's, not able to deal with the constant glares.

Bambi could only describe the moment she felt as a disappointment in her own house. Hogwarts now had a more of a change of winning the cup, but the Hufflepuff's only saw it out the Gryffindor chance of ruing their own chances. They are always considered the leftover of the houses and for once they felt important for a matter of a few minutes.

"You three can't really be feeling sorry for him seriously?" Stevie questioned, digging at the plate of food.

"Yes, we are Stevie," Bambi said while pushing her plate away.

Shocked at Bambi pushing her food away, she picked up one of her sausages, "Why?"

"Because," Cedric began, "when he entered that room he looked 'bout ready to collapse. Either he was too shocked that his 'plan' had actually worked or he was shocked that somehow, he was in the room when he never wanted to be. Take your pick at whatever one seemed more realistic to you."

Huffing she played with her food, "What seems more realistic to me is that he's got one of the older students to enter his name into the goblet!"

Cedric sat forwards, a frown on his face, "What? Like how you asked me to do the same,"

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