Glow | 0.07

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After sending off her letter to her parents, Bambi was gathered in the Hufflepuff common room. Normally people would say the Hufflepuff common is a relaxing environment to be, well not tonight. For as a pacing Cedric could been seen dancing around the room.  "Cedric!" Stevie yelled, sitting forward with her hands resting underneath her chin, "if you don't stop pacing I will personally strangle you with my own bare hands."

Cedric stared at her before sighing and falling into the closest seats next to him. "Sorry. It's just I'm a bit nervous."

"A bit?" Stevie scoff turning to Bambi to see her staring down at a certain crystal between her fingers, "Bambi?" She broke out of her stare and turned around to Stevie confused. Huffing, Stevie sank back into her seats, throwing her hands in the air, "Merlin, what has gotten into you two today me and Frankie are the only normal ones"

Frankie passed by Stevie as she spoke, patting her head when he sat down, "Stevie your never normal"

Stevie rolled her eyes while Aurora made her way over to the group, "Hey, you guys might want to leave now, or you'll end up sitting in the windows." With that, Stevie stood up and reached out to pull the closest people near her, being Frankie and Bambi. "Come on! Ain't nobody sitting in my seat!"


When Stevie arrived with Bambi and Frankie dragged along, cedric entered soon after with Aurora who were trying to catch up. Stevie still holding onto their hands her eyes rested upon her goal and off she went. Ducking and serving pass people Stevie smiled  when her bottom sat firming in her seat. Frankie and Bambi finally fell into their own seats, panting.

As soon as Cedric and Aurora sat down next to them, Frankie coughed, "Ever do that again Stevie, I'll kill you," Finally, Bambi caught her breath and looked around the hall catching everyone excitement in their faces. Suddenly, Bambi felt someone fidget next to her. Looking down Cedric was fiddling with his thumbs under the table. She went to go and pull his hands away, but someone seemed to beat her. Stevie had reached across the table and gently pulled his hands apart and looked at him once he looked up. She only nodded softly before letting go of his hands and turning back around, as if they had a mindless conversation. Bambi only smiled.

At long last, after Beauxbaton and Durmstang arrived, Dumbledore got to his feet with the level of noise rising down along with him. As he walked to the middle of the hall the heads of Beauxbaton and Durmstang stood behind him on either side, both looking as tense as the other.

"Sit down, please. Now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!" Dumbledore echoed as he approached the Goblet of fire which now was more brightly than anything in the entire hall.

All of a sudden, the Goblet changed into a red glow, triggering Cedric to sit up straighter and tenser. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, Bambi never left concentration on the Goblet. The Flames roared out and became more furiously after finally spitting out a piece of parchment. The room fell silent as Dumbledore caught the parchment in the air.

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