Death | 0.33

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Death ♛

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Silence filled the room, spreading to each corner and clinging on to dear life. The words sunk in, absorbing into her brain before she could actually correspond was happened. Every bone in her body went stiff, breathing becoming her only function that moved her. Rose - her mother - the fucking queen, had just asked her to move in to the mother fucking royal castle. A castle... a massive, elegant castle where Bambi's summer would be filled with joy and adventures. Billy could visit and would drown on about facts, while Alex would be enticed by the garden. It then hit her like a brick, would the Winters even want that. As if reading her mind, Rose near worried face spoke, "We've spoke to Elliot and Alex and they're more than happy, as long as they received a lot of visits."

Bambi smiled edged on to her face as movement regained in her body. Blood pumped as excitement began bubbling over inside her. She nodded. Then more viciously as she leapt into their unsuspecting arms, crying out her agreements. They embraced her back, chuckling with brighter grins. "Good," Rose said, her eyes glossing over, "Your friends of course will be able to come over whenever they want to too"

Sirius chimed in with a smirk, "don't you worry Bambi. Now that the castle is ours, my plans I've had for years will be put into place." He rubbed again his stubbly beard, "Pool will obviously be first on the list and then a massive garage where I'll have my many many motorbikes. Merlin, I can't wait." He face was lit with joy as Rose shook her head, a almost showing smile appearing.

"Never did I agree to that Sirius."

His head snapped to hers, and with a huff he turned back around, "I don't need your agreement," his smirk grew, "Majesty."

"I told you to not call me that you prick!" Her hand pushed again Sirius who face morphed into an offended expression, hand on heart. Bambi simply smiled, watching and praying that Sirius would win with the pool at least.

Cedric had been whisked away immediately by his friends for some final strategy planning. The feast was filled with all sorts of magnificent foods almost more likely to impress. Bambi, nor Stevie and Frankie were complaining, especially when a large Cho late cake appeared in front of them. A fight near broke out before Aurora served them an equal slice each. They were savouring the last moments before everything would turn into nerves. Bambi and Frankie could feel Stevie's legs jiggling under the table every so often and was suspiciously quiet. Bambi herself was on edge, for both Cedric and Harry, but for what would happened after. She had a bad sense of the whole tournament and she supposed it now had something to do with Rose's announcement. During, the feast, her crystal had glow a very dim blue and at that moment she knew Rose and Sirius were likely hidden in the halls chambers enjoying their own meal.

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