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I stumble through the woods, heart thumping in my head, body shaking with anger. I'm pissed off and still very much on edge, still not completely whole again after snapping in Dream's room. I hear two voices and stop dead, ducking behind a tree as they draw closer. I recognise those voices. 

"Tommy! Tubbo!" I shout, running out from my hiding place and launching myself at the two boys. They're stunned for a few seconds before opening their arms and hugging me tightly as I slam into them. 

"Why are you guys here? It's too close to Dream." I question, pulling back from the embrace. The two exchange glances, before Tubbo speaks.

"We've got a plan to get you out of here Rosie." He says determinedly. 

"Plan? You have a plan?" I echo, shocked at the news. 

Tommy grins. "Told you I'd get you out of here."

"So Wilbur doesn't think I'm a traitor anymore?"

"Well... not exactly." Tubbo admits.

"What do you mean, not exactly?" I narrow my eyes. 

Tommy interrupts. "It means that we're working on it. Just a few minor... technical difficulties."

I survey Tommy, my eyes narrowed into slits,  doubt creeping into my mind. Tubbo pulls out a large roll of paper from his backpack and smoothes it out on the ground. It looks like a map, or floor plan of something.

"We need to get you out without Dream or anyone noticing, and make sure that no one knows we were involved." He explains seriously. 

"Where would I go? I can't go back to L'manburg, Dream would void the treaty and slaughter us all." 

Both of them nod and Tubbo points at something on the map. 

"This is a safe house we've been building. We're the only ones that know about it, it's far away and you can stay there until everything bubbles over."

Crossing my arms, I squat down next to Tubbo. "Even if I make it there, Dream might just void the treaty anyway and then we'd all be screwed." Tommy sits down next to us.

"That's where Wilbur would come in. He can negotiate that we had nothing to do it, because obviously we haven't had contact with you in a whole month, and then when everything settles, we can renegotiate you being able to come back and live here, once Dream stops caring about L'manburg." He says. 

"Except Wilbur hates me and thinks I betrayed everyone." I say sceptically. I don't mention the part where Dream has feelings for me and certainly would not just stop caring about me escaping.  

"I said, we're working on it." Tommy rolls his eyes. "All you need to worry about it making it unseen and unnoticed to that safe house, we'll handle everything else." 

"You need to make sure you're alone, and that no one will realise your missing until after you've made it safely to the hideout. It's crucial to give yourself enough time so they can't follow you." Tubbo adds. I pour over the map, marking the location of the safe house in my mind. 

"I don't know guys. I'm happy to live in the safe house you know? I could be free there, and you could visit. I'm just worried about what Dream would do when he finds out. I don't want you to get hurt, or lose everything." I say, unconvinced, because I know they would risk everything to get me back, and I can't let them do that. 

"We will handle it Rosie, we're going to get you out." Tubbo reassures me. 

"You guys could lose everything, you could lose L'manburg. You've fought so hard for this, lost so much so you could have independence and I don't want you throwing it all away for me. You deserve L'manburg, and the lives you guys have now, and I couldn't live with destroying that." 

Tommy shakes his head and grabs my hand. "You fought and lost so much as well Rose, and you deserve it as much as anyone. It's not L'manburg without you in it, it's not home without you, and so who cares about Dream, or Wilbur thinks. We want you home."

"Yeah Rosie, we want you to come back, it's not the same without you." Tubbo agrees enthusiastically. 

I squeeze Tommy's hand and smile sadly at Tubbo. I want to go home, so desperately, more than anything else in the world. Except at the expense of my friend's lives. "So many things could go wrong, and there's way too many outcomes where L'manburg or you  gets ripped to shreds." I say quietly. 

"It's worth it." Tubbo insists, Tommy nodding furiously along with him. 

"No, Tubbo its not. I do want to get out, and I want to go home, but we have to do it right. We need to be absolutely sure that Dream won't retaliate in response to me leaving." I say firmly. 

Tubbo sits quietly in thought for a moment. "You're right, I think the safe house idea is a good one, but we might need to fine tune the execution of you getting there. The real issue is getting you into L'manburg."

"Tubbo, we already figured that out, Wilbur will convince Dream." Tommy whines exasperatedly.

"Yeah but as I've mentioned, he hates my guts and as you've mentioned, he's off his rocker." I remind him, and he sighs in defeat. "We can't make a move until everything is put in place, and every detail is ironed out, because I guarantee you Dream will figure it out and it'll all be over. Trust me, you do not want him to find out you're involved." 

"Ok, we'll get Wilbur on our side, and then he can help us figure out the plan. In the meantime, collect as much information as you can, and don't give Dream a reason to be suspicious. We'll handle everything else and we'll get to you when we've figured everything out, to explain." Tubbo decides.

I nod. "How will you guys get to me though?"

"Don't worry we'll find a time, just hang tight until we can run the plan by you." Tommy answers. We all smile at each other.  We finally have a plan, however flimsy. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, something to wait for, something to work towards, a reason to keep dealing with all the bullshit because it will finally end, no matter how long it takes. 

I wrap them up in a tight hug, and we all whisper goodbyes, hope filling all of our hearts. Just as Tubbo bends down to roll up the map, a voice stops my heart dead. 

"What the fuck are you doing?"


A/N Oop, sorry for the cliff hanger (hehehehe). 

Whenever I start writing stories, I actually normally write the ending line before anything because that's how my brain works ig. This is the first story I've written this long, I'm typically used to short stories so this was huge change. It's the first time I've ever written a long plot line over multiple chapters, and because it's so long I didn't even know how I was going to end it. Yesterday however, I wrote the final paragraphs, and ending line, and it was really awesome to finally conclude this story in my mind. Anyway, I just wanted to share that little snippet of the writing process with you guys because I found it interesting :). 

Thank you for all the support, and please vote and comment, it means a lot to me!

Hope you guys enjoyed!

Oopsies x 

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