Chapter 41

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You opened the front door to meet an empty house.
Oikawa hadn't returned from practice yet.

Sighing out loud, you walked into your room and started doing homework, which you had been avoiding for a while now.

After finishing most of it, the picture of Kenma, Kuroo and you, on your desk, caught your attention.

'They are probably still at practice.' You smiled at the thought of them.

Without you even noticing, Oikawa also arrived at home around 6PM.

You found out he was back, when he suddenly entered your room.

"Some people never learn." You said, rolling your eyes.

"Can we talk about what happened back at school?" He asked, letting himself fall on your bed.

"I messaged you. Read it to understand what was going on." You didn't turn around. Your eyes were fixed on the picture.

"So, you lost a bet and had to fake a confession? Don't you think it's kind of weird of Hamaguchi-chan to make you do that?"

"What are you trying to say, Oikawa? Don't talk shit and get to the point." You frowned.

"I don't even know. She's just kinda acting strange." He sighed.

"Don't talk like that about her to other people." This time you turned around and furrowed your eyebrows at him.

"She's shy and didn't have friends before, so stop talking like that."

Oikawa could clearly hear the anger out of your voice, so he chose to shut up before ruining your relationship even more.

You turned back around and doodled into your notebook, just to seem like you were working on something.

Oikawa's sudden touch on your shoulder made you flinch.

"Well, luckily I've been smart enough to know that it wasn't real." He smiled.


You couldn't see his face, but he frowned.

"(Y/N)-chan, you're not even asking me how I knew that you didn't mean it."

"Because I know that you're just going to say some cheesy stuff."

"C'mon, ask me!" He started to massage your shoulders.

"No." You tried to shrug him off, but his grip wouldn't loosen.

"Ask meee." He started to go down your arms with his hands.

"No, get off bro. You're annoying." You giggled to yourself, knowing damn well what you just did.

With an shocked expression, Oikawa suddenly swirled your chair and leaned forward, so his face was now right in front of yours.

"What did you just call me?" He asked with a serious expression.

"I thought, I talked very clearly." Your face was blank.
You tried to show no expression at all.

"Well, you might be right there." He slowly cupped your cheek with one hand.

"In one way, I am your brother." He slowly leaned in.

"But do siblings usually kiss?" Just when he was about to connect your lips, your phone rang.

Both of you sighed.

You sighed in relief while he sighed in annoyance.

Seeing the caller ID kind of shocked you.

"(Y/N)-chan, hey, what are you doing?" The one on the other end of the line asked.

Stepbrother || Oikawa Tooru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now