Calm Before The Storm

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When Dick woke up next, he felt much more refreshed than he has the last few weeks. He took in a big whiff of air, getting up off of the bed and making his way downstairs. The house was a little too quiet for his liking, making him decide to snoop around. He walked over to the kitchen. No one. The livingroom, nope. Then he made his way down to the garage.

  Thats when he saw them Deathstroke was doing something on the computer while Sportsmaster and Jason continued to practice one on one combat on the mat. When Dick entered the area, Deathstroke was alerted immediately. "You're awake." He got up from the computer. "How are you feeling?"

  Dick shrugged. "Better. Whats going on down here?" He asks.

  Deathstroke smirked. "Come here, I'll show you." He guided Dick over to the computer desk, bringing the stuff he was working on. Dick sat down, taking in the plans and writing. He noticed it was the plans.

  "Oh. How long was I out for you guys to get this far?" Dick asked.

  "Only a day." He says, walking over to Jason. Dick nodded, looking down at the plans. It was quite simple, but Dick found a problem. They had a trap set up for them. Deathstroke really didn't have anything for that.

  He glanced over, seeing Deathstroke checking Sportsmaster and Jason's equipment. He called Deathstroke over, who appeared next to him in no time. "What is it, Grayson?"

  "They had a trap set up for us are we just going to ignore that?" Dick asked, rubbing at his side.

  "No. We believe the trap will happen, but we will have to escape it as best we can. We are a couple of elite assassins. I'm sure any trap we can escape from it." Deathstroke explained, folding his arms.

  Dick didnt feel too good, but Deathstroke was right. They've gotten out of sticky situations before. They can always do it again. Dick nodded. "When do we start?"

  Deathstroke pulled the paper from the table, rolling it up. "We start next week. You need more rest. For now I have Jason doing some Intel. In the meantime, you will help me cook." He says.

  Dick grunted exaggerated-ly, turning around like a dramatic child. "Im so done being on rest."

  "Your the one injured. Stop whining and suck it up, buttercup." Teases Jason, smirking at Dicks glare that was sent his way.

  "No one asked you, Todd." Dick snapped.

  "Oh, he said my last name. Must be serious. Mr. Grayson is a wittle grumpy. Did you not sleep enough?"

  "I swear Jason I will hurt you!" Dick glared but not much else was said, because Deathstroke practically dragged Dick out of there by his collar. Jason laughed, and Dick groaned, sticking his tongue out at Jason before disappearing into the elevator.

  "Well that wasn't very nice. I could've talked so much more shit." Dick pouted.

  Deathstroke chuckled, rustling Dicks hair. "You would have won, Grayson. But we have food to get started on." He says.

  Dick huffed, but decided to cool down. He folded his arms, waiting impatiently for the elevator to stop. Once it did, Dick stomped out and made his way to the kitchen before Deathstroke, grabbing out the dinner ingredients.

  Not much was exchanged as they cooked a hearty meal. Only near the end did Deathstroke break the silence.

  "How are you feeling physically, today?" He asks.

  Dick placed the chicken breasts on each plate as he spoke. "Fine. A little pain everytime the shirts runs over it but I can move around fine. Why?" He asks.

  Deaststroke placed the pan of vegetables on the counter and folded his arms. "I want to take you somewhere tonight. Just us." He says.

  Dick beamed, happy to finally get out of the house. He nodded and grabbed for the pan of vegetables, putting them on the plates. Once done, they called the others to come eat.

  Dinner wasn't too exciting, just a little jokes here and there but Dick couldn't really focus, too excited for what Deathstroke had planned. Since everything has went down, they haven't had a good bonding experience again. Dick was excited to see whatever it was Deathstroke was going to show him.

  After dinner, Sportsmaster left and Jason stayed downstairs to finish his newest project leaving Dick and Deathstroke alone.

  Deathstroke turned to him with a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Get dressed, we leave in 30." He explains.

  Dick wasted no time. Running up into his room, he changed into a pair of his pants and shirts with a jacket over it. He made sure to put his boots on before running down the stairs to see Deathstroke in his civilian clothes.

  No matter how long he has known Deathstroke, it still weirds him out to see him in such normal clothes. Not that it was a bad thing, it was just an odd thing.

  They made their way out to the car and got in, Dick still having no idea where they were going. Deathstroke didn't even hint at it once.

  But Dick wasn't having it. "So you gonna tell me where we are going? Any chance a hint will be dropped?" He asked, inching closer to the driver's seat.

  Deathstroke smirked, but didn't say anything. He just kept on driving. Dick groaned, sitting back in his seat.

  Thankfully the ride wasn't very long and Dick was happy about that. But when he finally looked out the window, he realized exactly where he was.

  Stepping out after the car stopped, Dick smiled slightly at the old building they first came together in. He turned to Deathstroke who was walking over to Dicks side.

  "This is where it all started. The training, the missions and your first deadly injury." He turned to Dick. "Now look what you have become."

  Dick realized what this was. A trip down memory lane. Dick smiled. "Whem I first kicked you ass was over there." He pointed to a bunch of bushes.

  "Yes it was." Deathstroke turned to Dick with a pleased smile. "I brought you here to help you remember every good thing that happened. This is when the Justice League thought you were dead. It was the happiest I have seen you. Now that they are back in your life your light seems to have diminished slightly."

  Dick sighed. He knew Deathstroke was right. Ever since he realized how stupidly possessive Batman was and how much the others have changed without him, it made him sad and pissed. Here he was always so light hearted and funny. He still is but the other emotions have taken over as well.

  "I get what your saying and you are correct." He turned to Deathstroke. "I need to focus on everything else. I need to become better than them."

  Deathstroke shook his head. "Thats not what I'm getting at. Yes you were the happiest here, but I'm reminding you of how different everything is now. It's a good thing the Justice League knows you are alive. What I am saying is for you to channel your emotions into something else. You did amazing when I bought you the trapeze. Is there anything I can do to help you better control your emotions?"

  Dick looked down at his side, then at the old knife in his holster that had faded red paint. He has been occupied trying to do more when he should be doing less.. the fact Batman and the others are back in his life,, its throwing him off. He knew what he had to do,, but Deathstroke didn't have a hand I it. So instead, he turned to Deathstroke. "Teach me better knife tricks. Then maybe we can talk." He says.

  Deathstroke didn't expect this kind of answer and startled laughing. Dick shot him a look of surprise. Stunned stupid surprise. Out of the 5 almost 6 years he has known him, he hasn't heard Deathstrok laugh like that.

  "Wow. Who knew THE Deathstroke could laugh like that." Dick jokes.

  Deathstroke calmed his laughter, turning to Dick with a knife in his hand. "Well, let's get started with some tricks, then."

  And so they spent the rest of the night sitting in the field they once trained in, teaching eachother knife tricks. A nice calm before the storm.

A/N: sorry for the delay!!! A lot was happening all at once but here is the update.


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