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Deathstroke and Dick came to a stop by the spot the guns were intercepted, both of them getting off their bikes to investigate the three dead bodies. Dick sighed, folding his arms. "This looks like an amateur job." Dick bent down, pointing at the blood trail that abruptly ends. "One of them got shot befor getting into the van. Not like our last players."

  "I suppose you are right, Grayson." Says Deathstroke. "Most likely they intend to sell it. By the looks of these bodies they were here no longer than 5 hours ago."

  Dick straightened up, putting his hands on his hips as he stared at the scene in front of him. That's when he felt it, eyes boring into his back. He looked up at a close roof on the dock, squinting his eyes, he spotted who it was. The Redhood.

  "We have company." Says Dick, turning around.

  "I was aware." Says Deathstroke. "Let's get going."

  Dick nodded as they made their way back to their bikes. Dick started his. "When we get to the compound, search for places you would think they are holed up. For now, escape." Deathstroke said, turning on his bike and immediately making his way out of the docks. Dick followed close, keeping his eyes on his surroundings. When he didnt spot anything, they continued down the road of Gotham.

  "Notice anything out of the ordinary, Grayson." Says Deathstroke, his voice ringing in Dicks ear.

  Dick used his observations skills, noticing the road they were on was completely void of people. No shops open or cars on the road. "No ones on the road. It's a trap." He says.

  Just then, two blurs went past them. The Speedsters were on the field. He heard two motorcycles behind him, causing him to look and see Batman as well as Redhood behind them.

  They were trapped on both sides. Dick spotted an open alley way, using his grapple hook, he shot a building, causing his motorcycle to abruptly turn down an Alley, splitting the teams up. "I've got Redhood and Batman chasing me. Once you shake the Speedsters, meet at the compound!" Says Dick into the watch. He exited the street, seeing this one was brimming with life and cars. He smirked.

  He used the cars as a way of trying to avoid them, but he could still hear the motorcycles on his trail. He cursed, trying to find some more leverage to use. When he spotted the perfect spot, he bent down, getting into a crouch position close to his handles. He shot  the truck coming towards him with his grapple hook, using that to spiral him the other way. He turned, spotting Batman and Redhood speed past him.

  Dick chuckled, pressing on the gas he zoomed out of there, making his way to the freeway. He didnt get far. His bike stalled out, nearly sending him flying off his bike. He skid to a stop just before the end of the road. Dick sighed, looking down to see a small blinking circular EMP on his bike.

  "Deathstroke, I think I'm compromised." He said into his watch.

  A few beats pass before Deathstroke spoke. "If you cant get out of it, dont fight. I will be there to break you out soon." He said.

  Dick nods, getting off his bike, he turned to Batman and Redhood who came to a stop right next to him. Dick smiled. "Never thought I would see the day where the great Nightwing doesnt fight back." Says Jason.

  Dick shrugged. "I know when I'm defeated." He said.

  Batman shot back. He couldnt shake the familiarity of the voice coming out of this mans mouth. He felt wind go down his neck, looking back he spotted Wally and the flash standing behind him. Wally looked different. He was taller and had more lean and muscle than last time. His hair was a tad longer as well, though since they have been seperated for a long time, Dick felt like he was staring at a stranger.

  "The Speedsters too? By the way they shiver, I'm guessing Deathstroke got away?" He asked.

  Wally appears in front of him, slapping cuffs on him. Dick sighed. "You will be brought in for questioning." He says.

  Dick gulps. Being this close to the Leagues gave him a sense of anxiety hes never felt. Not only was he Dick Grayson, but he helped the Joker escape Arkham and that entailed killing the other Robin.

  If they end up forcing his mask off. What will they think of him? What will he think of them? Everything was spiraling out of control and couldnt seem to do anything.

  Dick started walking, making his way over to where Wally pushed him. When he got into the ship, he was met with his old team and a few of the league. Artemis sat on the edge of one seat, glaring at Nightwing. She looked the same, her hair may be a bit longer. Connor looked the same as ever, nothing changed on him. He spotted 3 new faces that he was undoubtedly going to know. M'gaan hair was shorter and she looked much more tired than he remembered. Aqualad was older, and he seemed to be staring down Dick hard.

  He straightened up, being shoved into a seat next to Canary, who eyed him. Dick raised his hands. "I'm harmless. No need to glare." He snapped at everyone.

  He looked over, watching Wally walk to Artemis and they intertwined their hand together. Dick's jaw dropped open at that. They were together? Didnt see that coming.

  As they made their way to the mountain, Dick had an uneasy pit in his stomach, squirming where he sat. This was going to be a long day and it's only just started.

  A/N: So I live in Utah. Had a big earthquake that hasn't been that big since 1992! 5.7. And I was right smack in the middle of it! Shit was crazy!

  Anyway! I hope you enjoy the chapter ^-^ stay safe out there guys!

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