Unexpected Turn

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It had been a week since Deathstroke took Dick to their old hide out. Dick could feel something was different in a good way. Lately they have been laying low while Dicks wound healed. So far the stitches finally came out but he still has to wear bandages. Dick has never felt better with how much his life has changed.

The best thing that has happened that he knows Deathstroke finds funny, is that Jason and Dick act like siblings. Complaining to eachother, picking on eachother but also to siblings taking care of eachother part. Jason has done most of Dicks bandage changes and Dick has help Jason with some computer knowledge.

Right now, Dick was fixing his Escrimas while Jason sat next to him working on his new guns he was given. Deathstroke was working on the plan once again and Sportsmaster was out.

Dick glanced over at Deathstroke, watching him scribble words on the paper. He slid off the chair, putting his Escrima project aside and walked over to the table. He leaned against it with a small smile.

"So what changes have you made today?" He asks.

Deathstroke placed the pen down, grabbing the paper and turning it to Dick. Dick tilted his head, reading over the new plan.

"Todd, get over here." Deathstroke called.

Jason got off the chair, walking over to the both of them. Dick eyed the new plan. With Sportsmaster keeping a close eye on the elite task force, the plan revolved around their plans for tomorrow. A rally takes place later tonight and a few government officials will be making a speech. They plan to sneak in and assassinate a government official that Ms. Falcone has in her pocket.

The plan revolves around Dick being on the roof with a sniper, looking for their sniper. Jason will take the lower ground while sportmaster, in normal attire will blend in with the crowd. Deathstroke will be behind the stage, eyeing the front of the crowd. There was more details, but to be discussed when Sportsmaster arrives.

"Seems like a solid plan, but you forgot a tiny detail." Says Jason.

"Enlighten me." Deathstroke replies.

"The trap. Is it wise to split up with that in the mix?" He asked.

Deathstroke sighed, folding his arms. "The times Sportsmaster eavesdropped, the trap was never mentioned again. With the past few weeks of no movement from us, they may have forgotten, still doesn't mean we approach this with caution to the wind." He explained, leaning back against his chair.

Dick looked over the plan once more before smirking. "Are we going to be in civilian clothes?"

Deathstroke nodded. "We have to blend in. Keep your suits close, but it will be sunset by the time the rally reaches its peak. Now go finish your last minute preparation and get to bed." He says, turning to walk over to the elevator.

Dick did as told. He walked over and finished what little he had left, before retiring to his bedroom for the night.

The next morning came faster than they anticipated and Dick wasn't necessarily ready for the big mission today. Despite all of the missions he has been on, it gave him butterflies thinking about this particular plan. He couldnt explain why he felt so off about today. It seemed almost... Dick couldn't explain it and he certainly wasn't going to voice his concerns to everyone even knowing Deathstroke would be none than happy to put the plan on the back burner.

He didn't feel right robbing them of the plan they made. Sucking it up, Dick ate breakfast, got everything ready, showered, dressed all while feeling uneasy.

He got dressed in what Deathstroke recommended. His black tactical pants that go with his suit, one of his black special shirts, a hoddie, with a hat on and the boots from his suit. He had his helmet and top half in another bag, but he doubt in the heat of the moment he will have time to change into it.

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