Two New Dynamic Duo's

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Dick stuck close to the shadows, looking down at the target. He glanced over at Deathstroke who waved for him to hold his position. He nodded, bringing his legs in closer, climbing higher on the beam.

  "We need to get these to him. We cant let Skull have them." Snapped one of the men.

  "Skulls men wont be stupid enough to prowl round these parts of Gotham." Snapped one of the thicker ones.

  Dick snapped his head up to see Deathstroke give the to go. Dick grabbed his gun and pointed it at the driver. Aiming for his shin, he shot. That spiraled everything, guns going off in all directions. Dick swung his legs and did a flip towards a metal chain, grabbing it he rode it down until he was on floor level. They turned their weapons onto him, but Dick was faster. Skidding on the floor he grabbed his DG blade and twirled towards one of the men, stabbing him in the Achilles heel, using his free hand to grab his shirt, using his back like a seesaw he slammed the man to the ground. He did a handspring backwards, putting his DG knife away and grabbing for one of his escrimas, bringing one of the knifes out, he stabbed the man in the shoulder blade before releasing the electricity.

  Deathstroke dropped, shooting two men in the thighs and punching one man out. Dick put his Escrima away, walking over to Deathstroke who stood next to the Van.

  "Is all the merchandise there?" Asked Sportsmaster over the comms.

  "Its all here. This should be the last of the shipment Skull required." Deathstroke spoke.

  Dick sighed. "Finally. Damn was that the longest mission ever." Dick groaned, leaning against the van.

  "Some missions take minutes some take Months. It's what you signed up for." He said.

  Dick nodded. He wasnt expecting this job for Skull to take nearly 4 months to catch all of the stolen weapons. He looked down at the injured people and folded his arms. "We should get going. Gotham isnt the place we want to be right now." Says Sportsmaster over the comms.

  Dick knitted his eyebrows together. "And why not?" Dick asked.

  As if to answer his question, Dick heard the familiar sound of the disappearing cape. "Batman." He whispered. He looked over at the writhing driver and rushed over to him, fishing into his pockets, he grabbed the keys, tossing them at Deathstroke. He caught them.

  "Stay in the back. Protect the merchandise." He ordered. Dick nodded, jumping into the back, he reached for the doors and closed them, seeing the Batman standing by the roof.

  Deathstroke started the car and immediately drove out of the place, Dick not prepared for how crazy Deathstroke drove, slammed against the door, groaning at how much his face hurt being squished against his mask. Peeling himself away, he spotted Sportsmaster behind them. That's when Dick noticed it, though he couldnt seem to process it.

  Another Robin in a cape sat on top of his car. Dick was shocked, feeling all sorts of emotions but settled on two. Anger and Betrayal. He heard a loud thud on top of their van before Dick heard the back door open. Grabbing his gun, he shot, watching Batman dodge it.

  "Sportsmaster! Get in front of us!" Dick shouted.

  Nodding, he jerked the wheel until he was out of vision. Dick grabbed a strap and connected it to the back, keeping the merchandise in place before crawling over it and out. He spotted Batman on the roof of the car and crawled up, shooting a grapple hook into the roof and hooking the gun to his belt. He stood, now anchored to the Van. Batman looked behind him and finally Dick was face to face with the one he left for this life with Deathstroke. But after seeing the Robin all he could do was get angry. He was replaced that fast?

  "Why take the guns?" Asked Batman.

  Dick didnt answer, instead he dropped to his knee and pulled out his gun, shooting as he barely grazed Batmans thigh. Batman stepped forward, going for a punch, Dick bent his back, grabbing his Katana he sliced up, catching Batmans arm. Batman jumped back as Dick recollected himself, getting into a kneeling Melee stance.

  Just then the new Robin dropped down next to Batman. He looked no older than 12, maybe 11? He looked younger is all Dick could tell. The boy threw one of the batarangs, and Dick knocked it away with the melee attack. The new Robin jumped over to him, grabbing the grapple hook in the roof and released it, setting Dick off balance. He stabbed the roof, preventing himself from falling. Throwing himself up he grabbed an Escrima and twirled it in his hand before stabbing the Robin in the leg, releasing an electric shock.

  Dick shot up, unhooking his Katana from the Van and rushed over to Batman, using what he learned to send blow after blow at Batman.

  Dick, seeing they were about to make a sharp turn, immediately shot down, stabbing his Katana back into the roof. Batman looked over to see why Dick had done that when he spotted why. Jumping forward he grabbed Robin into his hands before shooting his grapple hook to a metal pole. When they turned, Dick nearly flew off, but held on tight. Once they straightened out, Dick stood up, putting his Katana away, he saluted Batman before doing a Handspring into the back of the van, closing the door.

  They continued onto their destination. "Batmans dealt with." Dick barked.

  Finally he was able to collect his thoughts. Bruce had a new Robin. It has been 10 months but even for Dick that seemed like such a short amount of time to pick up someone new. He looked tall but with the way his face looked the boy looked younger than him. Well here is facing one weakness. Lesson 5 just became a whole lot easier to finish. He was replaced and for some reason that thought pissed him off. He no longer had the drive to explain his predicament to Batman nor get back to them. Instead he felt like staying on as Deathstrokes Permanent Ward was starting to look like a very compelling offer.

  They made it to the drop place, Deathstroke parked the car, opening the back door. Dick jumped out, seeing the same second hand man guys standing by. Sportsmaster appeared next to them.

  "I see why the boss keeps you lot close. You provide results." He said, throwing the bag. "65 million. As promised." He said.

  Deathstroke handed the keys to Dick as he stood forward and collected the bag. He threw the keys at the man. "Pleasure doing buisiness." Dick said, slinging the bag over his shoulder. They made their way to the other car, getting in. They took off, heading back to Central city, the car eerily quiet.

  When they got back, Dick jumped out, pulling off his mask it was clear to them he was extremely pissed off. "You knew, didnt you?" Dick accused, pointing at Sportsmaster.

  Sportsmaster sighed. "Yes. He has only been active for a month. Batman seems to keep him close." He explained.

  Dick scoffed. "It hasn't even been a year and already he replaced me." Deathstroke chuckled, placing a hand on Dicks shoulder.

  "He may have replaced you, but you replaced him." He explained. "If he thinks he found someone better than you, hes dead wrong. You were born with incredible assassins skills. This new Robin has nothing like that on you." He said.

  Robin rolled his eyes. "Yet."

  Sportsmaster slapped Dick across the head, causing him to scream in protest. "Seems there is two new Duos. The Heroes: The new Robin and Batman." He turned to Dick and Deathstroke. "The Villains: Deathstroke and... well Grayson who needs to come up with a new code name." He said.

  Dick thought for a moment, trying to think of something that was unique to him. Something that will no longer be connected to his superhero facade he was now finally dropping.

  Finding one he smiled. "Nightwing." He said.

  Sportsmaster smirked. "Nightwing and Deathstroke. What a ring to the ears." He said.

  Dick smirked. He was no longer the little boy who followed orders with a team that leaves him and a mentor that replaced him. Instead he was Nightwing.

  Deathstrokes second in command.

A/N: Hey so yes like I said in previous chapters this is where things start to excell with both time skips and missions. I hope you enjoy ^-^

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