DeathDad Activated

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Deathstroke made his way to the motorcycle, carrying an unconscious Dick with him. Sportsmaster and Jason finally joined in.

"Is he okay?" Asked Jason.

"A little shaken but he will be fine." He said.

"Should you really be on a motorcycle with him? We can take care of them if you want to do a car." Sportsmaster said.

Deathstroke sighed. "Lately it feels like Dick has been living in the back of a car after every mission. Hes been irritating that one area for a while now. Its probably very taxing on his body to be constantly trying to heal that one spot." Deathstroke said.

"This mission can be put on hold. They are after us right? If we remain in the shadows for a week or two they won't cause any trouble and Dick can rest." Sportsmaster suggested.

Deathstroke nodded. This was the right thing to do. Grayson was more important to him than this Gang war at the moment. After the years he spent living, training and watching him grow up he has noticed he has gone soft, but only when Grayson was around. He didnt mind this feeling. Not one bit. It made him feel like he still had some humanity in him that he thought the serum stripped away.

He clutched Dick close. "You are right. He is like a son to me." Deathstroke said, making Sportsmaster smirk.

"And he finally says it. The magic words." Sportsmaster jokes. "Thats good. You are like a father to him. More than Bats ever was from what I hear."

Deathstroke sighed. "I'll be at the hide out. I need to get him patched up before he bleeds to death."

Jason stepped forward. "We will be at the hideout soon. Keep him safe."

Deathstroke turned away, finding another random car that was easy to hot wire. When he did, he immediately broke the window and unlocked it, placing Dick gently in the back seat while he jumped into the driver's seat. He hot wired the car, zipping out there. Every few minutes he would check on Dick, making sure he was still breathing. He felt relieved when he was.

When he saw that man pinning Dick down like that, he wanted to kill him, but because Dick would be upset he didnt. He for the first time, held back his angry impulses.

He continued, but once he turned he caught a glimpse of soemthing wavering behind him. He groaned. He knew that was the technological blue of a cloaked ship and he could only boil it down to being one of the Leagues.

Once he made it to the hideout, he immediately jumped out of the car and grabbed Dick who had gone pale. He shoved Dick out of his outfit to expose the wound. The blood around it was still sopping wet, indicating it still bleeds even with the amount hes lost already.

Grabbing wet towels he started cleaning the wound, irritated slightly when when cleaned it and then more blood flowed out. He knew he needed to close the wound while blood still poured out. Getting to work, he started sewing the wound up, making sure none of the blood was going to clot as he laced the last stitch in. Once the blood flow slowed, he wiped it down and started to wrap him in some Medical tape and gauze. Some of the color in Dicks face started to return.

He carefully collected him into his arms and made his way to the elevator. He waited for it to take them up. Once there, he stepped out into the main room and decided to put Dick on the Couch for the time being.

Once Dick was situated, he took a seat on the coffee table, taking in his protégé. He knew that mission was dangerous, but he had faith in Dick and he got it done. Thats what he felt like a father would feel. Pride.

Dick started to stir, his face contorted into a frustrated scowl before his blue eyes opened up. Dick looked over, seeing Deathstroke sitting by the coffee table in front of him.

He gasped, going to sit up in a panic, but Deathstroke stopped him before he could. He placed a hand on Dicks chest lowering him back down. "Calm down, Grayson. We are at the house." He said.

Looking around to confirm it, Dick lowered himself back onto the couch, looking down at his side. He felt shame heat his face as he brought his hands up to cover his face with both arms crossed.

"I couldn't get this mission done without hurting myself yet again." He says, his voice dry and strained. "Im sorry."

Deathstroke brought his hands up and pulled Dicks away from his face. Dick dropped them to his chest, looking at Deathstroke like he was holding in a painful sob.

"You didn't fail this mission and you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm proud of you, Dick." He said, earning a choked gasp and sob from Dick. He blushed bright red, obviously not expecting such heartfelt words from Deathdad.

He smiled. "Thats the first time I have heard you call me Dick without it being a crisis." Dick said, his voice no longer strained and sad, instead it was happy.

Deathstroke shrugged. "What can I say. After 5 years together I guess I came to think of you as my son. Much like you think of me as a Father and Sportsmaster as your uncle. Perhaps a name change is in order." He said.

Dick shook his head. "Despite the surprise, I like that you call me Grayson. Its unique."

Dearhstroke chuckled. "Grayson it is."

Dick didnt have the sudden urge to cry anymore. Instead he felt light and happy. Deathstroke may be cold to everyone else, but only Dick knew the truth. Deathstroke, behind closed doors, was actually a big teddy bear to him. He was glad all those years ago he chose Deathstroke. He got to see a side of him no one else knows and for that, he is grateful for.

"Get some rest. I'll make some soup for when you wake up next." He said.

Dick smiled. "Thanks, Deathdad." Dick whispered, not realized how tired he was.

Deathstroke ruffled Dick's hair before standing up and going to the kitchen, the thought of them being followed still fresh on his mind, but helping Dick get better was his top priority.

*Young Justice*

They were flabbergasted with what Connor was telling them the conversation was about. Deathstroke was nothing like they remember or know. He is a cold stoned assassin, but when Connor was repeating the conversations, they were thrown for a loop. It sounded so sincere to them.

All they could think was that their relationship was a true bond. Nothing fake can sound that sincere.

The only problem they faced now, was how to tell Batman how close of a relationship Deathstroke and Dick actually had. Not a conversation they wanted to be on the other end of, but knew it would be hopeless to hide it.

They needed to strap in. This was going to be a bumpy ride.

  A/N: yes. Your eyes do not decieve you. Another update :D!!! Enjoy!

Also I have seen a couple people calling me out that I dont know what I am doing. Yes I know Deathstroke has sons, but for the sake of this book he only had 1 that was from his past with Adelaide. Perhaps I will do a spin off or another book with his sons and Deathstroke in another version of this and it can be another "deathdad/deathson" with Dick joining them. I'm not sure. But please refrain from all the instant messages>-< its giving me anxiety!

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