Lesson 1: Look Out For Yourself

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Robin had on a black shirt and some tight elastic pants as he stretched out his back. His injury on his side didnt hurt as much since it wasnt the one that took the experimental bullet. The one next to his belly button still had stitches but he could now stretch out. After 2 weeks of being bedridden for the most part, he was weak. His limbs were weak, correction.

Deathstroke entered in a tight black shirt tucked into some black army like pants. His salt and pepper hair still slicked back thanks to the eyepatch. "Your muscles seem to have atrophied while you were resting." He explained.

Robin rolled his eyes, straightening up. "Thanks, captain obvious. I wasn't aware." Robin mocked, folding his arms.

Deathstroke placed his hands on his hips, smirking at Robin's smart ass answer. "Do 35 squats." He demanded.

Robin lifted a brow, but didnt question it as he started squatting. When he reached 35, Deathstroke continued. "Now do 20 lunges on each leg." Robin did so.

When he was finished, he sighed. "Am I just going to do simple exercises all day today?" Asks Robin.

"20 push ups." Deathstroke continued, ignoring Robin's snappy attitude.

Robin groaned, getting ti the floor, despite his sides protest and did the push ups. Once they were done, he jumped up, stretching his arms. "We getting to the lesson or shall I plank on the computer desk next?"

Deathstroke narrowed his eye, stepping towards Robin. "Patience isnt your strong suit, Grayson."

"You're not the first person to say that to me." He jokes, folding his arms.

"Very well." He paused, clearing his throat. "Lesson 1: Look out for yourself." He said. Deathstroke, in almost a blink of an eye, stepped forward, grabbing Robin's arm, he twisted it behind his back before kicking Robin's feet out from under him, sending Robin flat on his back. Robin groaned, grabbing his injury. "Never assume what the other is planning. Only analyze and react in a way that keeps you out of danger." He said, holding out a hand for Robin to grab.

Robin grabbed it, getting back on his feet, rubbing a hand over his injury. "That was cold." Robin grumbled. "What does this lesson even mean?"

Instead of answering, Deathstroke stepped forward, trying the same thing again. This time, Robin noticed it and did a very sloppy handspring away from Deathstroke. When Robin straightened up, he say a proud smirk on Deathstrokes face.

"That is what it means. You used your observation skills. Knowing I was planning to attack you again, you made the executive choice to get away. This is what it means to Look out for yourself. When a partner is in trouble, you have to trust they will get out of it. Always save yourself. You are your own powerful asset. Not your team." He explains.

Robin nods, getting into a protective stance. Deathstroke got into a fighting stance, he stepped forward, sending a powerful punch towards Robin's stomach. Robin jumped back, barely missing it. He didnt have time to collect himself, dodging blows from Deathstroke left and right. He tried to jab back but Deathstroke easily dodged them.

Deathstroke dropped to his knees and brought out one of his legs, tripping Robin. Doing a somersault forward, he grabbed Robin's arm and flipped it so that it was between his legs. He locked it with his legs, hearing a startled yelp escape Robin. He tapped twice on his thugh and Deathstroke let him go.

"Jeeze. That was uncalled for." Robin breathed out, lying like a starfish on the ground.

Deathstroke stood up, fixing his shirt. "Analyzing your opponents moves would have gotten you out of that situation. Keep your eyes on their fighting style. Most, if not all have a rhythm they like to use that gets them results. When you fight against an opponent you must watch their pattern. Only then will you be able to defeat them."

Robin sat up, folding his arms. "How was I supposed to know you were going to pull a wrestling move on me?!"

"Like I said. Never assume. Study." He walked over to a box, pulling out two plastic water bottles. He tossed one at Robin who caught it easily. Opening it, he took a big drink, but didnt fail to notice he studied Deathstroke carefully, his words sticking in his head.

Deathstroke noticed it and decided to test it. Slowly reaching for a dull throwing knife, he waited until Robin took another drink before throwing it. Robin dropped his head, hearing it whistle past his ear and thudding across the building. Robin looked up, smiling.

"You catch on fast. Much like me when I was learning." He complimented. "Enough for today. Let's get your bandage changed." He said, walking into the other room.

Robin sat up, unable to remove his proud smile. For some reason fighting with Deathstroke felt much more free than fighting with Batman. It almost made him glad he was with Deathstrokre. Almost. He missed Batman a lot and even if he was angry and cold to him, he was still like his father.

Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he made his way to the room, seeing Deathstroke already getting out everything that was needed for wound changing. He walked over and jumped up onto the bed, lying back. Deathstroke got to work, immediately cleaning and bandaging his wounds.

"How did you learn these moves?" Asked Robin as Deathstroke cleaned the wound.

"I was taught by a very talented Military Combat Instructor." He said, Robin not failing to notice the sadness creep into his eye. Knowing this was a touchy subject, he decided to drop it, watching as he continued to clean the wound.

Once he was wrapped up and ready, he sat up, looking at the wound before throwing his shirt back on. He stood up, walking over he picked up the Escrima's looking them over. "Where did you get these?" Robin asked.

Deathstroke finished packing the first aid kit, stting it down behind the bed. He walked over grabbing the other half and twirling it in his hand. "From a special person." He spotted the happiness on Dicks face, holding them. "Perhaps when you are ready, these will go to you. Until then, Grayson, they will be off limits. That Lesson has yet to come." He explains, grabbing the Other Escrima and setting it back down.

"That works for me." Replies Dick. "I'm going to go practice some more Knife Tricks. You enjoy whatever it is you do at night." Dick says, smirking.

After some thinking, Dick has decided to put away the name and face of Robin. Right now he was in limbo and there for is going by the name of Dick Grayson. Retiring for the night, he slept soundly on the decisions he was making so far.

A/N: obviously there will be time skips. Could be days or months but the beginning is to show how Far Dick is coming. I really wanted it to focus on how things have changed in the future and how things would be repaired if they are going to be, but I also want you all to go along with Dicks journey as Deathstrokes apprentice and how it changes him. ^-^ enjoy!

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