Teach Me Tricks

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Robin groaned, shifting in the bed. He always hated being bed ridden with nothing to do. Deathstroke was out, has been for two days making him even double times bored. He couldnt believe he was starting to get comfortable in the hiding den of an enemy, but the sad truth was that he felt compelled to stay here. He didnt even want to contact the team, afraid of what they would think about being under the care of an enemy.

  The door opened to the building, making Robin tense slightly. But seeing it was Deathstroke made him calm. He wiggled his way up the bed, resting his back on the wall and pillows. Deathstroke immediately walked over to the bed, taking a seat on the stool. He placed a small black bag you would get from a convenience store and dropped it on Robin's legs.

  Robin lifted a brow, but grabbed for it, opening the bag to see 3 sets of black and white wooden boxes. He pulled them out, setting them on his lap. Opening the first one, he shot back in surprise.

  The first box held a red and black butterfly knife, though he could tell by the way the blade looked it was dull. A practice knife. He reached for the other one, opening to find a pure matted black retractable knife. This one was much more sharper. He started to smile, getting excited for the third one. Opening that one he saw it was clearly custom made. It had a Big DG in red and silver lining the letters. The handle had red and black mixed in and what Robin liked was that it wasnt glossy. The blade was sharp, turning it to the side would make the blade edges disappear.

  Robin looked up at Deathstroke with a small smile on his face. "Why?"

  Deathstroke shrugged. "Figured you were going to be bed ridden for at least another weak. You said Batman didnt let you have fun with knives. Might as well learn something new." He stood up, pointing at the butterfly knife. "I would start with the dullest one. We dont need any new injuries upon that one." He says, walking over to his desk, setting down a few more things before typing away on his computer.

  Robin felt a happy sensation in his stomach as well as a rebellious one. He didnt understand why Deathstroke was taking such good care of him, but he also didnt mind it. He would rather have Deathstroke treat him the way he is than try to kill him like any other villain.

  Robin scooted back in his bed, wincing when he rubbed against the injury. He put the other two on the stool next to him, grabbing the butterfly knife. Hes always done cool tricks with his baterangs but hes never actually tried knife tricks since Batman said he was still 'too young' to learn. He opened the blade and started twirling it, failing to make it look cool as it flew out if his hand and dropped to the side of his bed.

  Deathstroke saw this and smirked, standing up from his desk, he grabbed one of his older butterfly knives and walked over, grabbing the boxes, he set them down on the floor, scooting the seat forward. "What trick would you like me to teach you?" He asked.

  Robin's smirk grew into a smile. "The one you were doing when I first woke up." He says, acting like a toddler learning something new.

  Deathstroke nodded, grabbing the knife firmly in his hand. "The key to doing tricks is learning where you want the knife to go next. You also have to have a good grip on the blade with any finger you pass it to." He explained. As if to make his point, he demonstrated it, Robin watching on in amazement at how fast he twirled it in his hand. He swapped it from his pinkie to his thumb, Robin watching it snap close.

  "I've never seen such control on a blade before." Robin marveled, bringing his legs in as he crossed them. He leaned forward, ignoring his stomachs protest in pain. He wanted to put all his focus into these tricks.

  Deathstroke noticed this and decided to dedicate the same amount. He walked Robin through, step by step of the first trick. Deathstroke seemed to feel a sort of connection, something he hasn't had in a long time. Not since Adeline and Joseph. For the first time, seeing Robin take such an interest in his teaching Methods, Deathstroke felt like he could make Robin into a good apprentice. With the way Robin was eager to learn, he believed he could persuade Robin into wanting to stay on as his protege.

  Robin practiced a few more times, until finally he got the hold of it. He chuckled. "I did it! My first time through without stuttering or dropping it!" Shouts Robin.

  "Good. Keep practicing that one until you get it down. Then I will show you different ones." He says, standing back up to gather some stuff. "I will be back later. I have some buisiness to attend to." He explained, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

  Robin bit his lip. He wanted to ask where he always went but knowing the missions he used to go on he knew it was no good asking. Instead he turned his attention back to the knife, running through the advice Deathstroke gave him.

  When Dick had it down, he seemed to stop, thinking back at the night he found Deathstroke. The others were probably worried about him, but since Artemis left him on the roof alone and they most likely left, he kept getting an angry feeling in his stomach. Plus with the way Bats treated him colder than normal he felt like going back would result in a yelling match. He wasnt really up for it. Hoping Deathstroke didnt mind company for a few month. He wanted to learn what Deathstroke had to offer. Though he wanted to wait to make sure Deathstroke wasnt going to just heal him and then use him first. For now he was going to learn the knife tricks. At least that couldnt be harmful.


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