Teasing The Elderly

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Dick woke up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat, with pain shooting up his side. He looked down, seeing the bandage wraps were soaked through. He sighed, throwing his blanket off and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Taking in a breath, he readied himself to get up.

He didnt realize how painful his side was, causing him to fall to his knees, letting out a muffled scream, grabbing for his side. He landed on his back, holding his throbbing injury. He heard footsteps from down the hall running towards his room.

Dick's door shot opened, revealing Sportsmaster standing at his door. "Try to get up, Grayson?" He asked, walking over to help Dick into a sitting position.

"Yeah." He said, a bit strained. Sportsmaster looked at his side, seeing the amount it bled through. He wrapped his arm around Dick's side, before throwing it over his shoulder. He helped Dick to his feet.

"Lets get you down to Deathstrokes room. He has the first aid kit." Sportsmaster said. Dick and Sportsmaster limped down the hall, Dick hissing with every step he took. Once they got to Deathstrokes room, he was slightly out of breath.

Sportsmaster knocked on the door, and they heard some shifting on the other side. After a moment, the door opened and Deathstroke stood there in his normal clothes just without his boots and weapons. He spotted Dick's bandages and opened the door wider.

"How did this much bleeding happen?" He asked as Sportsmaster lead him to the bed. Once Dick was placed on it, Sportsmaster smirked.

"He tried to get out of bed on his own."

Dick scoffed, shooting Sportsmaster a playful glare. "Tattletaler!"

Deathstroke grinned. "Lets have a look at that." He walked over and started unwrapping his side. Once it was unwrapped, he quickly removed the gause, seeing that none of the stitches thankfully popped, but it was bleeding quite a bit. Sportsmaster handed him the first aid kit before taking his leave.

Deathstroke started cleaning the wound, watching as Dick rubbed at his temples. "Headache?" He asked, eyeing Dick carefully.

"Yeah its uhm... been... bothering me for a minute." Dick started rubbing at his eyes, his brain pounding. His stomach was also upset but he didnt understand why he felt so dizzying and nauseas.

"Your wound is healing nicely. The headache is a side affect from hitting the pavement." He explained.

Dick groaned. "Are you uhm... sure? I feel... a bit..." Deathstroke stopped mid cleaning, looking up at Dick. It was then he noticed it. Quickly he shot his hand up, opening Dicks eyes.

"Your pupils are dilated. Are you nauseas?" He asked.

Dick nodded.

"The arrow must have been dipped in a slow acting poison." He turned to the hall, seeing Jason lean against the door. "Jason, run to the basement and grab my black case. Now." He snapped.

Jason sensed the urgency, quickly he shot down the hall as Deathstroke continued to clean the wound. He brought out the gauze and medical bandages, going to work on wrapping it. Jason appeared in the room with the case, setting it on the bed.

"Whats the matter?" He asks.

Deathstroke finished wrapping the wound. "Poison." Was all he said, placing the medical supplies down, he reached for his case, opening it he grabbed out a black cloth bag. Inside had a concoction of herbs he got from a friend.

Grabbing a small handful he opened Dicks hand and placed it in his palm. "Take this." He says.

Dick nods. Shoving it into his mouth, making a face when he chomped down. Jason handed him a water bottle, watching Dick open it and gulp it down. Once he was done Dick groaned. "How long does it take to kick in?"

"Right now. I dont need you injuring yourself. Lie back. I'll sleep on the couch, you take my bed. No refusing." He demanded, already helping him lie down.

Dick nodded, feeling a bit odd in Deathstrokes bed, but couldnt help the amazement at how soft his blanket was. He may just steal the blanket from Deathstroke. Jason smirked at how small Dick looked in the king sized bed.

Once Deathstroke tucked him in, he got up to walk out. He stopped at Jasons side, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Want to help me do some training? I could use another opponent." He asked.

Jason nodded. "Sure. I'll be down in a moment." He says, watching Deathstroke walk out of the room, his chin held high. Jason looked over at Dick. "He acts more fatherly to you than I would have expected." Jason folded his arms.

Dick shrugged. "He is brutal when he needs to be. But since he has been with me since I was 13, I just feel closer to him than I did with Batman. I miss the hell out of him and Alfred but anger always wins. When it comes to Deathstroke I have no anger. He doesn't create anger with people he-and don't tell him i told you this- cares about a lot. Who knows, you may already be making that list too." Dick jokes, coughing when he laughs.

Jason chuckled. "Get some rest. You injured old man." Jokes Jason.

Dick scoffs. "Im only like... what... 3 years older than you?!"

Jason smirks. "Physically I'd say yes. Mentally, nah."

Dick grabbed a pillow and even though his side screamed at him, he chucked it at Jason, smiling wide when it hit his face. "Fuck off."

Jason bowed. "With pleasure." He bent down, grabbing the pillow, lifting it up to throw but then got a better idea.

"Dont throw it at me!" Squealed Dick.

"Dont worry I won't. Can't hit my Elders. Especially injured ones." He tossed the pillow at the foot of the bed, seeing that comment annoyed Dick which is what he was aiming for.

"Dont you have someone else to terrorize?" Dick snapped.

"I do, but you're much better." He saluted Dick turning towards the door.

"Tampon..." Dick uttered under his breath, causing Jason to eyeroll as he left the room. He made his way down the stairs towards where Deathstroke was waiting. Boy was he liking it better here than the mountain. Those were facts.

A/N: Hope you like the chapter ^-^ I will be updating more frequently. I had to get tested for Covid, hopefully It comes back negative but thats what I get for working at ups when you have people lying about not having it to keep getting paid.

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