A Plan In Action

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Once the team solidified their mission inside the mountain, they were ready to leave. Though the young Justice and some of the Justice League could only listen in while they talked their plan through. Once they were ready, Dick turned to Batman.

"We have a mission to go on. I will be back to talk to you later." Dick says.

Batman nods, but doesn't say anything. Dick turns to his old team, seeing some glares and new faces he didnt intend to know. When he reached Wally's though, he couldnt help a small pain in his chest at the look Wally gave him. He gulped, tearing his eyes away, he made his way to the entrance where they currently stood.

Deathstroke glared at his old teams, turning away, he walked out of the room with Dick, Sportsmaster and Jason by his side.

Once they were gone, Batman turned to the Young Justice. "You have you mission. Follow them." He says, turning away from the team. They nodded, quickly getting dressed.

Once they were dressed they got into the ship. "M'gan, is communication up?" Kalder asked.

M'gan nodded. "It is."

With everything ready, they followed Dick and his team from a distance. Batman wanted to see how they acted without knowing they were followed. If they acted different or the same. The team was not to engage unless absolutely necessary. They were only meant to obverse a normal mission.

When Dick made his way to the motorcycle his smile grew wide. "Man it feels good to get back to a mission." He says, elbowing Sportsmaster. "Right, Uncle Sporty? Right? Rig-"

Sportsmaster grabbed Dick by the neck, bringing him down into a chokehold. "Are you going to be this much of a pain throughout this mission?" He asks.

Dick laughed. "Of course, when am I not?"

"Let him go Sportsmaster. We need to get serious." Deathstroke says.

Sportsmaster released Dick, watching him stumble, before putting his serious face on. "Whats the full plan. I know you didn't want to say some of it in their presence."

Sportsmaster nodded. "I know how you are about the no killing rule, so we need to incapacitate them long enough to round them up. So before we go into full mission mode, we need to make a small pit stop back at the hideout." He says.

"For?" Asks Dick.

"You'll see."

Dick huffed, getting on his motorcycle, he put his mask on, before starting up his ride. They were unaware of the team following them.

Once they were in the garage, Dick and Sportsmaster got off their motorcycles and walked over to a hidden capartment in the room. Reaching in he grabbed for 3 small containers.

"Whats that?" He asked.

"A concoction Deathstroke and I have been working on to suit your needs of no killing." He handed them to Dick, who took them into his hand. "You press this button here and a smoke will release from it. Not only will it knock them out, but for bigger fellas with superpowers or drugs will be weak with this in their lungs."

Dick smiled. "This is exactly what I need to add to my collection. I may make it smaller. Into one of my gadgets but this is amazing." He put one of them on the desk, hooking the other two to his belt.

"Since we have that taken care of, we need to get going." Says Deathstroke.

They got back on their motorcycles and made their way back out of the tunnel. Once back on the road, Dick got a weird sensation that he had eyes on him, but tried to ignore it. He continued on until they got close to the area. They decided to hide their bikes far, but accessible.

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