Lesson 4: Expect The Unexpected

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To Dicks disdain, Deathstroke has been busy with missions lately so Lesson 4 was postponed. He hadnt realized it was Postponed a month due to the constant calls he would get. Dick just kept doing his exercises, practicing the sword tricks as well as going over the Lessons he had learned.

  He also hadnt realized until he looked at Deathstrokes computer that today was his birthday. He hasn't really been outside to experience the November air but the building was cold enough for him to not like it.

  His mind wandered to what Batman and his old team were doing. He hasn't really thought about them lately since he was so busy with the Lessons and all.  Were they even still looking for him? It has been nearly 3 months since he was last with them. Did they think he was dead? Robin knew he would classify himself as dead after being missing without a word for that long.

  Was Bruce and Alfred celebrating his birthday? Or were they too busy? Dick groaned, rubbing his eyes as he sunk into the chair.

  "Having trouble, Grayson?" Deathstroke asked, closing the door behind him. Dick looked over at him, a bit shocked to see some blood on his suit. He gulped, remembering Deathstroke was not only his Mentor but a Villain as well. Of course his missions required something of a Villain nature.

  "Not really. Just bored." He said, twirling the seat around to face Deathstroke.

  Deathstroke took off his mask, setting it down on the desk, before tossing a bag to Dick, who caught it as it landed in his lap. "Happy birthday, Grayson." He said.

  Dick let a smile creep up on his lips, immediately opening the bag. He reached in Pulling out a top. To his surprise it was the tactical armor. The top had the symbol he requested, seeing it was quite bulky but also quite form fitting. Setting it on the desk, he pulled out some nice knee length booths that were the same material as the pants, making them blend in. His pants were bulky up top but tightened as they got to his knees. They were stretchy, soemthing Dick enjoyed. He spotted nice gloves, ones that were tight on his fingers but hand some extra padding at the wrists. When he reached in, he noticed there was two more things. Pulling out a mask, it looked almost identical to Deathstrokes though it was Half dark, blood red and a dark, dijon mustard yellow.

  He gripped the case, putting the bag on the ground he undid the latches, pausing as the butterflies went crazy in his stomach. Opening it, he nearly fainted. In the case was his own set of escrimas, both of them having a nice blue lining the side with some silver and black thrown in.

  Dick looked up, seeing Deathstroke was enjoying his expressions. "I went ahead and implemented my own opinion on the Mask as well as the custom Escrimas. You may not be able to use them just yet, but they are yours." He explained.

  Dick felt like he was going to cry. Pulling a bold statement, he placed the case on the desk, sitting up he walked around and immediately hugged Deathstroke.

  Deathstroke, being new to this type of contact, didnt really know what to do. So instead of hugging back, he just placed a hand on Dicks head, patting it while the other squeezed Dicks shoulder. Dick chuckled, sensing Deathstrokes uneasiness. He pulled away, wiping some tears that seemed to spill.

  "Sorry... you just... you went beyond what you could have today. Thank you." He said.

  Deathstroke nodded. "Try it on." He says. Dick squealed, feeling like a teenage girl.

  "Today is the day I can say I am overwhelmed. Not whelmed, overwhelmed." He said, making Deathroke lift a brow in confusion.

  Dick walked over to the bed, throwing the outfit on the bed, undressing. Once down in his underwear, he pulled on the pants and then the undershirt. Once those were on, he tucked in the under shirt before putting the armored top on. It fit perfectly, but he wasnt prepared for the weight it held. Yes it was light, but it was also heavier than he was used to. Putting his belt on, he fixed some of the straps, pulling on the boots to see they practically blended in to his suit.

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