Back In The Game

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Deathstroke wasn't joking about a break. Already 2 and a half years had passed since he was taken in by Deathstroke and in that time, they have upgraded. Dick was 16 now and finally upgraded his own suit. It was Blue going all the way down his arms, connecting to the symbol on his chest. It was bulky since he liked the armored look, but light and flexible enough to move in. His mask was the same as it always has been. Much like Deathstrokes though it was half black and half blue. He upgraded almost everything he uses and created some nice technology.

  Deathstroke took this time to upgrade some of his weapons and suits as well.  Dick now looked like a grown teenager, his body built since all hes done is train and work out. His hair was shaggy, going past his eyebrows. He still resembled some of the old Robin from 2 and a half years ago, but hes changed so much since then.

  Dearhstroke dropped by the basement. "Mission time, Grayson." Deathstroke said, handing Dick the tablet.

  Dick grabbed it. "The Moroni and Falcone again? Didnt this all end like.... a decade and a half ago? When will those two families stop struggling for power in Gotham?" Groaned Dick. Placing the tablet down as he continued upgrading his  Escrimas.

  "When both family blood lines end." He says. "They seemed to be in hiding, but have decided to come out and play with the bigs. So our mission is to shoot Moroni's right hand man. I dont know why, but it's required of us." He explained.

  Dick sighed, placing the tools down. "Someone wants to start a gang war?" He turned to Deathstroke. "That means if we are caught we will be in the gang war and I dont know about you, but I would rather not get groovy with a gang war." He said.

  "Its a mission, Grayson. Get ready." He demanded.

  Dick sighed. "Yes sir." He saluted, walking over to his suit. Quickly getting dressed, he was ready, finally able to take his new suit out for a test ride. He grabbed his straps and belts, hooking all of his weapons to their proper holsters. He grabbed his mask, putting it on before making his way to Deathstroke.

  He was grabbing the sniper, passing it off to Dick. Dick grabbed it, strapping it over his shoulder before getting on his bike, starting it up. He leaned in, as the platform raised them up to the surface. Once up, They both took off as the ground split. They launched up. Taking in the nice air. They have been in Gotham a few times since lying low, but since the Leagues have been more active, they've had to keep it short and simple.

  They appeared on the highway, both of them heading into Gotham, praying they dont bump into any of the leagues.

  "That roof top there. Turn into the alley." Deathstroke said into his earpiece. 

  Dick nodded, following Deathstroke into the alleyway. When they parked, Dick got off and walked over to the building, climbing onto the garbage bin and jumping on the fire escape. He made his way up before pulling onto the roof. He rushed over to the restaurant the meeting was going down and unzipped the bag, grabbing the sniper he quickly set up.

  Dick readied himself, bringing his watch up to speak. "All set. Watch the meeting." Dick said, aiming at the front door.

  "Give it a few. Looks to be wrapping up soon." He explained.

  Dick waited patiently, never breaking his concentration. About 20 minutes later, Dick finally heard Deathstrokes words. "On sight. Ready the shot."

  Dick sucked in a breath before aiming, watching as the man who is his target, walk out onto the street talking. Dick aimed for his gut, a place he knew no vital organs would be and pressed the trigger. Dick let out the breath he was holding, watching the man go down. Quickly Dick took off the scope and stand, placing it back into the bag, he quickly jumped down the fire escape, hearing vulgar words as he dropped to the ground.

  "Nice shot, Nightwing!" Deathstroke praised, jumping onto his motorcycle. Dick looked back before jumping on his, starting it they headed out of the alley, though as they turned, Dick felt a white hot pain hit his thigh, but he didnt bother checking, knowing he had to get out of there first.

  They made it to the outskirts of town before Deathstroke had to make a call. Deathstroke parked his motorcycle next to the Gotham lake, pulling up his contact on his phone. Dick finally looked down at his thigh, seeing the blood had dried just a tad from riding but fresh blood was still pooling out. He groaned, reaching for his wound, but flinched when he put pressure on it.

  "On it. I will inform them, sir." He said, closing his watch. He looked over spotting Dick putting pressure on his thigh. He walked over, removing Dicks arms from the wound. "Looks deep." He walked over to his bike. "Let's get back. I'll patch you up." He said.

  Dick nodded, turning in his motorcycle, following Deathstroke to the hideout. Once they got there, Deathstroke got off his bikes walking over to help Dick off his. They made their way to the medical room in this hideout, Dick gently being placed on the medical table. He slowly took off his armor just enough to expose his lower thigh. Deathstroke handed Grayson a belt. "Bite on this." He said, grabbing for some tools. Dick held his hands together, anticipating the feeling.

  When he felt Deathstroke dig, his whole body tensed as he bit down hard on the belt. He tried to keep his screams in, but as he pulled the bullet out, Dick relaxed, lying his head on the cold metal.

  "Nice Grayson. You seem to be able to handle pain well." He said, starting to see the wound.

  "Thanks." He shot out, his voice cracking.

  He finished, slapping Dicks shoulder as he put the medical supplies away. Dick slowly sat up, looking down at hid patches up wound. He pulled hid suit back up before dropping down off the table, trying but failing to look like it didnt hurt. He plopped down on a seat, resting back.

  "So what's the next part of the plan?" He asked, lifting a brow.

  Deathstroke was wiping his hands dry with a towel, grabbing the tablet he typed in what they needed to do before turning it towards Dick. Dick grabbed it. "Robbing a bank. Sounds exciting." He said.

  "Not just any bank. A bank with dirty money for Moroni's guys. We have to slip in undetected, grab the money, and then we have to accidentally trip the alarm. Our job here is to let the GCPD know the mobs are back in buisiness and to piss off a few people. Once we are done, we ditch the money in crime alley before our next assignment." Deathstroke explained.

  "Why Crime Alley? And why let the GCPD know?" Dick asked, shifting his weight.

  "Orders, Grayson. We dont ask questions, we-"

  "-provide results, yeah, yeah." Dick smirked.

  Deathstroke shoved him, causing Dick to fall off the chair. "You need to get healed. This mission needs to go down by next week. You should be tip top by then, right?" He asked, taking a seat.

  Dick smirked, getting back up. "Hopefully." He said, taking his seat, as he started typing away on the computer, coming up with a plan for this heist, hoping and praying Batman and the gang dont show up.

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