Returning to Gotham

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It's been A year and a half since Dick was declared missing. Deathstroke and him have made quite the name for themselves in both the Villains world and Hero, but no one knew who Deathstrokes plus one was except Sportsmaster.  All they knew was his name was Nightwing and he was exceptionally skilled.

  After that Night Dick found out he was replaced they stayed away from Gotham, Dick unsure if he could control his emotions enough. But of course they got a job that brought them back to Gotham. Helping the Joker escape Arkham for a man unknown to them. All they knew was a hefty price in weaponry was offered as a reward. Deathstroke agreed, wanting new upgrades.

  Dick was 15 now, and because of that, Deathstroke got Dick his own custom wrapped Motorcycle that matched his uniform which was now just the color red down his Tactical gear, though he wanted to change it to blue to match his Escrimas. He hasn't decided yet.

  They drove into town, Dick keeping close to Deathstroke as he drive close to Deathstrokes bike. When they entered town, they went straight towards Arkham. About half a mile away, they hid their bikes in an alley, before making their way towards Arkham.

  Coming to a stop, Dick crouched down, using his new upgrades, he scanned the place. "Theres an access tunnel leading down. If we enter from there we can get in. When we get in, Joker is in one of the solitary confinement cells." Dick explained, using his home built high tech watch to bring up the alarms. Hacking into them he shut off the motion censors and alarms. "Motion censors are off and so are the alarms. They try to signal anyone it wont go through." He explained.

  Deathstroke slapped Dicks back. "Nice work, Nightwing." He said, getting onto his feet and shoot a grapple hook onto the buimding next to them and slowly lowered himself down.

  Dick followed, both of them sneaking around back. Dick spotted a guard close to them and grabbed his Escrima, bringing it up, he covered the mans mouth and hit him with the sedative. In seconds the man fell to the ground. Dick jumped up on the fence, doing a twirl and dropping to the other side. Deathstroke just climbed up and down it like a normal person, making Dick roll his eyes.

  They made their way to the access tunnel, Dick pulling out a wire to connect it to the pin coded door. Having his computer flush through the different combinations. When it beeped and popped opened, Dick grabbed the wire, bringing it back in, he opened the tunnel and dropped in, seeing the dark tunnel. Deathstroke dropped down next to him, activating his night vision. Dick did the same.

  "Solitary confinement is near the end of this tunnel. If we go through the vents near there we may pop out in front of the wing we need." He explained.

  "When we get up, there will be guards. Keep it quiet and find keys." Deathstroke demanded. Dick nodded as they ran forward following Dicks map. When they were above the solitary wing, Dick spotted a hatch to a broom closet. He jumped for it, opening it he spotted it was a part from the laundry shoot. Climbing up he opened the shoot, crawling out. He turned to see Deathatroke struggling since he was much more bulkier and bigger than Dick.

  "That's right, squeeze them thighs!" Dick jokes.

  "Grayson." Deathstroke warns, causing Dick to chuckled.

  "Sorry. I had to." He turned to the door just as Deathstroke finally got out of the laundry shoot. He opened it, spotting one nurse doing rounds and two security guards bored out of their minds. Dick reached for his smoke bombs throwing them towards the security guards. When they went off, Dick and Deathstroke immediately shot forward, jumping behind them and choking them out. When Dick felt no more fight, he quickly let go, not risking killing soemone. When the smoke cleared he threw one of his sedative darts at the nurse who, surprisingly, didnt see the smoke bombs.

  Dick bent down grabbing keys. He walked over to the cell that held the Joker and opened it. When the Cell door opened the Joker stood there, half his paint washed off and his eyes holding crazy.

  "Freeing the crazy, Deathy? Must be a big one! Haha." Laughed Joker.

  Deathatroke stepped forward, throwing a radio and knife at him. "When we get outside of Gotham. Follow the instructions on the radio. In the meantime, we have to get going before we have more trouble." Dearhstroke turned to Dick.

  "Was there always two of you? I cant seem to remember you having a little shadow." Joker asked as Dick helped Joker up.

  "Keep moving. We dont have time." He said.

  Joker, surprisingly kept quiet as they made their way back to the tunnels. When they made it outside, Dick looked down at his watch, seeing his hacking was nearly up. "We need to get beyond this wall now. The alarms will go off any minute." He said, picking up the pace.

  Deathstroke and Dick helped Joker over the fence. Dick was getting annoyed at the amount of jokes he kept telling but knew this was all for new gear. As they were running down the street towards their bikes, the alarms for Arkham sounded behind them. Dick cursed.

  "We have 5 minutes for the police to get to us and if Batmans prowling, a minute for him." Shouted Dick as they turned the corner.

  Joker went to get in Dicks bike but Dick shook his head. "Ah-ah you ride with Deathstroke. I have to keep your tail clear." He said. Deathstroke glared at Dick, but he just chuckled, knowing he was going to pay for that later.

  They started their bikes, both of them zipping out of the alleyway just as police started filing in. Dick stayed far enough away where he would catch anyone coming but close enough to protect. They made their way towards the main rode of Gotham, the jokers laugh echoing the empty streets. Dick noticed it. A blur that passed them, soemthing Dick hasn't seen in a long ass time.

  Bringing his watch up he spoke. "On your right! One of the Speedsters are on the field!" He shouted.

  Placing his hand back on his bike he sped up, making his way closer to Deathstroke. Deathstroke looked behind seeing Dick close before looking ahead. Dick did so as well, spotting who it was. Wally.

  "The young justice is out to play." Says Deathstroke back at Dick.

  "I noticed." He snapped. He reached into his pocket, grabbing a special bomb he created for this special occasion. "On my mark, sharp right!" He shouted. He waited for the perfect moment, "Now!" Deathstroke did a turn, nearly falling off the bike. Dick detonated the bomb, throwing it at Wally, watching it fall to the ground. Before Wally could chase, it exploded and he was covered in Ice. Dick flinched, knowing hurting friends was still going to remain on his conscious while he lives this life.

  He took a sharp turn and followed Deathstroke onto the entrance of the highway. They kept close to the traffic until they made it to an exit. Turning sharply into the meeting place.

  "Your here. Now get off, ya lunatic." Shouted Dick.

  Joker smiled wide. "Thank you to my saviors. I hope to see you two soon. Hopefully in a more... chaotic environment haha!" Dick groaned, turning his bike back on and turning away. Deathstroke said soemthing to Joker before heading off towards where Dick was going.

  Doing a mission in Gotham, made him forget how much he loved that city, but also how much he missed and hated it. He sighed, keeping his eyes on the road as they made their way to the hideout, unaware Dicks bike had a tracker on it.



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