Under His Mask

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Dick was ushered to the questioning room, shoved into the seat by Redhood. Dick squirmed where he sat, taking in the lighting. He spotted most of the leagues standing on the other side of the glass, watching him. He gulped, looking over at Redhood who seemed to be waiting for someone.

"So, you work for the League as well? Double Agent?" Dick asked.

Redhood chuckled. "You could say that. I started out in the league first." He bent in. "Between you and me, I was Robin." He whispered.

Dick paled, thankful he had his mask on. He was Robin? Than that meant... "You're not dead?" Breathed Robin.

Jason shook his head. "No. Despite what the media says, I just chose a different path." He explained.

Suddenly the weight on his chest lifted. If it wasnt for his perilous situation he would have started crying. The door opened, breaking the moment to reveal Batman with some files in hand. He walked over and placed them down in front of Dick.

"These are all the potential people we have narrowed you down to be. If I'm correct, you will reveal yourself." He said.

Dick smirked. "I'm not one of these. I can assure you that." He said.

"You didnt even look." Says Jason.

Dick shrugged. "I dont need to. I know Im not in that pile of folders." He said.

He caught Batman squinting his eyes at him. "Why is that?" He asked.

Dick leaned forward, his eyes matching Bats. "Because I'm not who you think I am." He says.

Batman seemed to study the eyes, wondering why on earth they looked so familiar. Dick caught that and shoved his eyes down onto the pile of folders. He sat back, shifting in his seat. That's when Bats noticed it. A diluted red and yellow knife. What made him narrow his eyes was the top of letters showing. DG.

The only person that fit that was Darius Gavinov. Batman looked for the name. Opening the file, he placed it in front of Dick. Dick knitted his eyebrows, looking down at the folder.

"What's this?" He asked, reaching over he opened the folder, spotting the picture of a boy he has never seen. He had light brown hair with blue nearly green eyes. He looked at the name, wondering why Batman shoved this at him.

"Its you." Batman said, pointing to the knife on his side. Dick followed, his eyes landing on his knife. DG. Darius Gavinov. No wonder Batman pointed this out. "So. Now that we know who you are, can we question you face to face." Asked Batman, keeping his composure.

Dick chuckled, turning the folder around to Batman. "This isnt me. The age of when this kid disappeared was 18. I'm 18 now." He said, folding his arms. "To think, I thought you used to be clever." Dick grumbled lowly, though Jason heard it.

"Let's get back on the topic of the Gang War. Why are you and Deathstroke even in this war in the first place?" Jason asked, trying to change the subject.

Dick sighed. "We got dragged in by accident. Decided to stay anyways." Dick explained.

"Have you killed anyone?" Jason asked.

Dick shot back, shocked at the question. "No! When I joined Deathstroke that was the only thing I told him I wouldnt do. He agreed and since then we havent killed anyone." Snaps Dick, not really meaning to get so defensive over this. Dick swallowed hard, leaning forward to rest his arms on the table.

"So your Villains with Mercy?" Jason asked.

Dick sighed, looking over at the window to see Wally and Artemis holding hands, standing close to eachother. Connor and M'gaan were doing the same, making him feel like hes missed so much. Even the other three he has never met seemed to stare him down with hatred. It made him feel a certain way. Yes he wasnt exactly the same Dick Grayson they knew, but being here now, all the memories of when they were together came flooding in, seeming to overwhelm him.

Joining the young Justice, being Wally's best friend and even helping each of them out. But now that he was standing in their presence, he felt like the odd one out. His new found silence seemed to have all of them look at eachother, wondering what made him go silent.

"We arent Villains." Whispers Dick. "We prefer Tactical Bad Guys." He smirks.

Jason folded his arms. "A Tactical Bad Guy who doesnt want to show his identity. Almost every one of you eventually caves."

Dick leaned back in his chair, shifting in his seat. "I dont have to tell you who I am. You heroes dont reveal yourselves, though it's not much use hiding it here. I already know who all of you are." Says Dick, not realizing he was approaching dangerous waters.

Batman narrowed his eyes. "How?" Jason asked.

Dick shrugged. "I have my ways, Jason." He says.

Jason stepped forward. "And I have my way." He shot forward, launching Dick to the floor. Dick cough, slamming his back into the ground. He spotted Jason trying to take his mask off. Dick smacked Jason's redhood off with his cuffed hands, bringing a knee up he slammed it against Jason's leg before bringing it up and kicking Jason in the chest. Dick slid away from Jason, backing off until he was pressed against a corner.

Jason looked up, his mask now off, Dick realized Jason looks like him just with a strand of white in his hair. Dick breathed in heavily, watching Jason wipe his bleeding lip. Batman stepped forward.

"Enough. Jason." He barked.

Dick slouched against the wall. All of this fighting all because they were desperate to know who he really was. Dick couldnt tell if he should be happy about this or if he should be sad. Dick slowly started to stand, hoping Deathstroke was close, because he finally made up his mind.

"You really want to know who I am?" Dick asked, his voice growing low.

Everyone looked over at him, especially Wally and Artemis who entered the room when the fight broke out. Dick stood tall. "I was on a mission. It was going great until an alarm went off." Dick turned his head towards Artemis. "One of my so called "friends" abandoned me, leaving me to make my own escape. Because of it I got critically injured." Dick stepped forward. "I appeared at Deathstrokes doorstep half dead. Instead of killing me or using me, he nurtured and trained me. After the betrayal and the true colors I just saw of my friends I felt like Deathstroke was the only one I could turn to."

"Who are you." Barked Batman, none of them still seeming to put it together.

Dick chuckled. "The blade doesn't stand for Darius Gavinov." He reached for his helmet, unhooking it from the back and pulling it off, shaking out his damp, sweaty hair. When he looked up, they gasped audibly loud.

"It stands for Dick Grayson."

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