Mission Gone Wrong

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*A Few Hours Earlier*

On their resting day, Batman came in ready with a mission. Of course the Team wasn't ready for this mission, all except for Robin who was antsy. He was bored all day and wanted to just get out of the mountain.

When they entered the room, Batman already had everything set up. "So what is this mission?" Asks Robin, standing tall.

Batman held up a manilla folder, dropping it in the middle of the table. "Since the team's failure on the last Combat mission. This is a simple intel mission. No engaging unless absolutely necessary." He mainly looked at Wally who tended to have a bad habbit of ruining Intel mission.

"What's the intel?" Asks Kauldur, folding his arms.

"Probably the usual. Venom traffickers, maybe a big conspiracy. It's always the same." Says Robin, leaning against the table.

Batman glared. "Get the mission done. I expect Intel soon." Without saying another word, he walked out of the room.

Kauldur leaned forward, grabbing the folder, flipping through it. "Its just intel on a trade happening between Captain Cold and a Mob Crime boss. That's all it says. Besides that it's in a building near the edge of Central City."

"Well let's get going then." Says Robin.

Wally rolled his eyes. "Calm down there, Rob. It's just an intel mission." Wally groaned.

Robin shrugged. "Intel or not I'm just happy to get out and go do something. Waiting for missions is agonizing." Robin says.

"Its what has to happen when rules are attached. We wait like good little puppies for our missions." Snaps Artemis feeling the same as Robin.

"I see you two feel the same. Can we get going, please?" Says Kauldur, already making his way out of the room.

Robin smiled, following with the group to the bio ship. When they entered and were on their way, they pressed the button in their suits, turning them into Intel suits. Dark and hard to stop. M'gaan linked them all up just as they got to the drop spot.

Robin and Artemis will take the roofs, M'gaan will take the basement while Wally and I search the perimeter. Connor you are our look out. If you spot any danger. Inform us. Says Kauldur, taking fixing his straps on his shoulders.

They nodded, dropping down one at a time onto the grass. Once there, Robin and Artemis made their way to the treeline. Robin grabbed a hold of Artemis' waist, shooting his grapple hook. They shot up quietly as Kauldur and Wally started searching the perimeter. M'gaan used her power to go under the building, popping up in the basement.

M'gaan ran over to some crates, un-latching one. She pulled it opened, spotting some newly developed weapons she has never seen.

The trade will contain weapons. Theres quite a few crates down here packed with high tech ish guns. She explains.

Robin and Artemis bent down near an open skyline window, peaking in they noticed a few guys with guns, posing at swat members.

I think they are planning to hide the merchandise in a swat truck. Did you find anything on the perimeter? Asked Artemis.

I found one. East side of the building. They seem to be loading them up already. Whatever intel batman sent us on is going down tonight. Says Wally.

Robin sighed. Why would Batman send them on a mission for intel when it was already in progress? Was it some sort of test? Getting annoyed, Robin shot up, walking away from the window towards the edge of the roof. Unaware of the silent alarm he tripped, he leaned against the wall, looking down at the building.

I'll contact Batman. Let him know whats- Kauldur was cut off, and immediately, they heard gunfire in the distance.

"Shit!" Shouted Artemis. "The missions compromised. We need to get out of here!" Artemis shouts immediately using an arrow to hook onto a tree, jumping down the wire. Robin scoffed at her for ditching him on the roof.

We have more surrounding the building. Says Connor.

Robin cursed under his breath, jumping up on the rooftop balcony, he used his grapple hook and latched onto a tree. Jumping down, he landed, spotting a group of soldiers who seemed to have noticed him.

"Woah hey, fellas, it's okay!" They raised their guns, immediately shooting. Robin felt a white hot pain in his sides not able to dodge bullets when multiple people were shooting at him. He ducked behind a tree, hearing the firing of the guns hitting around him.

I've been hit. Robin says, hearing the gunshots stop. He bent down, reaching into his utility belt and grabbing for his smoke bombs. Detonating it, he threw the bombs, watching them stick to the bushes before a big cloud of smoke engulfed them. Robin shot up, grabbing a branch, he crawled up the tree, jumping so one away from where he was hiding. He leaned against the shadow, hoping to hide in the darkness.

We- over- place. The mind link was getting weaker and Robin didnt know if that was a good thing or not. He glanced down, seeing the smoke clear, continuing their search for him.

They didnt look long, deciding to give up. Robin took this time to see the damage done. He had one bullet hole on the side, most likely just a flesh wound. The one that concerned him was the one just to the left of his belly button. He pressed his hand close, using his skills he dropped down from the tree silently, trying to see if he could find any sign of the Team.

Just his luck, he couldnt. Deciding he would contact them when hes safe, he took off into the woods, far from the prowling bad guys. He ended up having to duck and weave, not realizing how deep they were searching the forest for them.

Rain started pouring when he finally made it out of the forest, his adrenaline leaving his body, the wounds making themselves known. He groaned, dropping to his butt, he slid down the grassy hill, coming to a stop near the edge of a few broken down and condemned buildings.

He made his way to the closest building, unaware his life was about to change.

A/N: holy shit haha! I just posted this book and already you guys jumped on it! That makes me feel amazing as a writer. I hope you guys are liking the book so far ^-^

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