Decisions: 12 hours

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Dick was resting on the couch where they could keep an eye on him as everyone stood around the table. Shazam was the only one sitting, his eyes never leaving Dick.

  "So thats how it went down? Do you think he was injected with something else?" Asked Wally, drumming his fingers on the table.

  "When he was electrocuted, an uneasy feeling washed over me." Deathstroke turned to face them. "Sportsmaster said Dick was asleep for the 5 hours after it. its possible he could've been injected or subjected to something he didn't have any knowledge of."

  Batman walked over to Dick, holding up a detector he started scanning Dick's body. It dings when it reached his neck, wrist and thigh. Batman pulled up the images, seeing metal implants under the skin.

  "I found some concerning news. 3 metal devices are currently hidden under his skin. The injection was deep and allowed then to latch onto his muscles. It would take an expert to get them out without damaging the muscle tissue." He explained.

  Deathstroke nodded while Jason and the others cursed under their breaths. "If Kevin is still playing out the deal. We have roughly 12 hours to come up with something."

  The room was silent. Everyone thinking about what to do while Deathstroke walked over to Dick, taking in his sleeping form. He wasn't pale anymore, something that gave Deathstroke ease.

  "Kevin is such a stupid name for a villain. Who goes around saying "I'm the great Kevin, fear me!" Its such a joke!" Wally shouted, causing almost everyone to chuckle at his outburst.

  Deathstroke managed a small smile. They needed some tension released and he could tell Wally was sensing it too. He never thought in a million years he would come to be relieved that a hero gave him calm.

  Thinking back to the conversation they had, he could see how people would think he hated Dick for what happened. He wasn't the feared assassin he used to be. He wasn't as cold as he used to be. But that was fine with him. Protected Dick was all he cared about.

  A pained groan caught his attention seeing it was Dick stirring awake. His eyes slowly opened and Deathstroke glared. His left eye was fine, but his right was blood shot, half of his eye was pure red. The noise in his head was enough to pop a few blood vessels in his eye, drowning half a one in red.

  "What happened?" Dick croaked, bringing his hands up to rub his temple.

  "Seems your initial thought was right." He says. "You aren't free yet."

  Dick sighed, turning his head to see Bats standing next to him. "Im guessing you did a scan."



  "3 devices in your body. Neck, thigh and arm. We don't know the severity of the devices when they are triggered." He explained.

  Dick groaned, slowly getting up into a sitting position. He turned to Deathstroke, noticing some of his vision seemed impaired. "What the?" He whispered, reaching for the eye that itched.

  Deathstroke grabbing his wrist from behind the couch, stopping him from scratching it. "You popped some blood vessels in that eye. It's going to be irritated for a couple of weeks. Don't touch it, Grayson." He Scolded in his best fatherly voice.

  Dick smirked. "Alright Dad." Dick heard Sportsmaster chuckle while Jason shook his head.

  Deathstroke slapped him upside the head, causing a reaction out of Dick. "Hey!"

  Deathstroke held up his hands, turning to the others. "How do we save Dick? We have about... 12 maybe 11 hours until the deal is done."

  Batman walked over to the kitchen, visiting with the others. Everyone followed, leaving Dick alone in the livingroom. He glanced over, seeing their conversation turned tense. Dick got up from the couch and made his way upstairs to the bathroom.

Befriending The EnemyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora