A Deal For Family

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Slowly Dick started to come to. The first thing he realized was the smell of moldy water and the sound of a leaky water pipe. Dick groaned, his eyes starting to focus on the surroundings. Dick noticed 2 familiar faces in front of him. It took his foggy mind a minute to realize it was Deathstroke and Jason.

Jason was trying to get his attention as well as Deathstroke, but Dick was out of it still. Trying to focus on them. After a solid minute of trying. Dick finally got his head to clear even if it was for a minute.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but found that he was gagged. He coughed against the sudden realization, his head feeling slightly heavy.

  "Dick!" He heard.

  Dick opened his eyes, finding that Deathstroke was trying to catch his attention. His eyes found Deathstroke taking in the fact he was held to the wall with two metal bands around his upper body. Jason had the same but when Dick looked down, he realized he wasn't.

  Dick followed a metal chain connecting to a collar on his neck. His hands were to his side, attached to metal chains. He also noticed he was the only one gagged and his chains were just short enough he couldn't reach it, even with his flexibility.

  "What even happened?" Asked Jason as he eyed Dick who was still trying to figure everything out.

  "I was approached by a man who told me if I wanted to save Dick I had to surrender." Deathstroke said. "So I did."

  Jason cursed. "I was told the same." He looked up at Dick who's head was resting on his left shoulder, his breathing sounding anything but normal.

  "Did they drug you?" Jason asked.

  Dick nodded to the question, turning his head to the door. Deathstroke glared. "Dont worry we still have a backup plan." Deathstroke said, but didn't elaborate knowing they were being watched.

  After a moment of silence, the door creaked opened, revealing the same man that drugged Dick. He smirked.

  "I have a proposal and what you say will determine what happens-" the man crouched down next to Dick, grabbing his chin in his hand and shook Dick's head. "-to this poor pawn piece."

  Deathstroke's glare grew darker than Dick has ever seen it. Dick ripped his face out of the man's hand. He stood up, folding his arms. "Well? Would you like to hear it?"

  Deathstroke grinded his teeth. He was one of the best assassins and now he's being extorted by a man. He hated seeing Dick be put in this predicament and once this was over he was going to enjoy gutting this man.

  "Enlighten me." Deathstroke says, Turing his attention to the man.

  He smirked. "Gladly. I'm going to need you both to go and assassinate Ms. Falcone and her little pets. Fail to do so within the next 24 hours and your... what did you call him? Your son will be put through the worst pain imaginable." He reached over and undid the mouth restraint.

  Dick took in heavy mouthfuls of air before turning to Deathstroke. "Dont do it. Don't kill anyone." Dick begged.

  Deathstroke could see the hidden pain in Dicks blue eyes. "I can't lose you." He turned to the man. "We will do it, but on our own terms." He said.

  The man clasped his hands together. "Great. My name is Kevin. Two of my strongest Elites will take you into town. Now if you try to escape, well... let me show you what will happen." Out from behind his back, he twirled in his hand Dick's own escrima. He pressed a button and a spike came out. Kevin turned and stabbed the small spike into Dick's stomach, starting up his electricity.

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