Who's The Red Hood?

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It's been 6 months since the news of Jason. Dick has been keeping himself occupied with missions and intel for Ms. Falcone. They postponed taking down the task force since Dick was dealing with so much for the first three months.

   Now they were ready to take it on, Ms. Falcone excited to hear they were finally ready to get it started. Word on the street as well was that the Leagues were back in action so not only did they need to play it smart, they needed to get it done quick.

  Currently Dick and Deathstroke were on the roof, waiting for the task force to finish their meeting. Dick squatted down, spotting the door to the building opening. He leveled his sniper, knowing this job was going to require critical hits. He aimed for one of their Achilles heel, knowing that will put them out of commission.

  He shot, watching one of them scream as they fall. Dick reloaded before pointing at one of their guts. He shot, making sure to nic soemthing important. The other 6 dove behind cars, grabbing their guns. Dick lifted his watch. "I got two. Six of them behind the three cars." Dick says, packing the sniper. He walked over to the fire escape, climbing down.

  "On it. If you have a clear shot, take it." Replies Deathstroke.

  Dick straps the sniper case to his bike before making his way to the alley entrance, spotting the people feet. He bent down, grabbing his gun. Putting the silencer, he aimed for the kneecap he saw, shooting. He watched the man fall.

  He shot back into the alleyway. "Five behind the car." He whispered.

  There was another scream, making Dick jump. "Four." Says Deathstroke.

  Dick smirked, he was about to look, but he heard footsteps behind him. Dick shot up, pointing his gun. What he saw though, confused him. It was a man, about 3 inches taller than Dick with a brown jacket, a red bird like symbol on some nice armor and a shiny red mask.

  Dick lowered his gun. "Haven't seen you around." Dick said.

  The man leaned against the wall, folding his arms. "You wouldnt have. I'm new to these parts." He replied.

  "What has you prowling around?" Asked Dick.

  The man nodded towards the task force. "Heard some shots. Cant very well ignore the fact that you are shooting the task force." He said, pulling away from the wall to make his way over to Dick, stopping shy a few feet.

  Dick chuckled, clearly liking the man. "You're with Moroni?" Dick asked.

  The man shrugged. "Its a gang war. You join the winning side."

  Dick shook his head. "So Moroni has a hidden gem under his sleeve, aye. That's nice to know."

  The man chuckled. "And by the way you talk, you are Falcones. Am I to assume I'm correct?" He asked.

  Dick nodded. "You are. That makes us enemies and as much as I like your attitude, we should probably get down to fighting." Says Dick.

  "What's your name?" He asked.

  "Nightwing." Dick replies.

  "Ah, the infamous Nightwing. If you are here I assume Deathstroke is not to far behind." He cleared his throat. "Fighting it is. I am Red Hood. At your service, small bean." He bowed.

  "Whenever you are ready, tampon." Dick shot back, watching Red hood shoot his head back, obviously not ready for Dicks witty-ness.

  "Your name calling austonishes me at how childish it is." Says Redhood, hinting sarcasm in his voice.

  Dick chuckled. He got into a stance, putting his gun away. Redhood stepped first, grabbing his knife, he strikes for Dicks arm. Dick did a handspring, grabbing his Katana, he lined the side of his arm with it. Dick shot forward, sliding on his knees, he slashed Redhoods inner thigh, but he didnt get away. He felt pain in his arm. Hissing he came to a stop, looking to see he was bleeding.

  "Nice move." Compliments Dick, getting back into his stance. "Its been a while since I've had a challenge."

  "Guess I can say the same." Redhood shot forward, send a blow for Dicks stomach. Dick blocked it with his forearms, dropping down he kicked out a foot, tripping Redhood onto his back. Dick shot up, grabbing his Escrima he went to go shock him, but Red hood flipped up, kicking an unsuspecting Dick in the chest. Causing him to fall back. He didnt stop, bring his knee up, he almost connected it with Dicks face, but Dick bent back, scrambling to his feet.

  Dick grabbed a flashing bomb, throwing it to the wall, he darkened his mask, watching it stun Redhood. Dick grabbed a wire, rushing forward he dropped to his knee and wrapped it around Redhoods ankle. He yanked, sending Red hood flat on his stomach. Dick jumped on his back, grabbing his Escrima, he tased the man on the back, watching him wheeze. Dick jumped off of him, just as Deathstroke entered the alley.

  "They are dealt with." He looked down at the man. "Who is this?"

  Dick sighed, rubbing his chest. "Moroni's secret weapon. Redhood." Said Dick. "He can fight. I'll give him that."

  "We need to go. Get on your bike." He said.

  Dick nodded, looking down at Redhood who slowly lifted his head. "We'll meet again. Especially since we are on opposite sides of this war." Dick saluted. "Till then, I'd stay clear of the streets. If it's not us, it's the League. Just a tip." He said, making his way to the bike.

  He hopped on, taking one last look at Redhood before starting his bike and making his way out of the alley, following Deathstroke. Dick glanced back just in time to see Batman jump down the Alley. He knitted his eyebrows, but didnt have time to think it over, making his way back to the compound.

  Things were about to get complicated for Dick and he knew that. With things heating up in this gang war, and now the Redhood and The league in play, things just got a whole lot more difficult. Especially if Batman decides to get to the bottom of this Gang war. It could blow his cover.

  He just Hope's it didnt come to that. But at the same time, he wanted to see their reactions to his new found life. Whatever seems to happen, he was ready for it.

  A/N: Heres some Jason and Dick interaction like I promised you ^-^ I hope you are enjoying the story!

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